Firewall with 8.1?

I have read online that Avast! Internet security (what I’m using, paid version) supports windows 7 firewall. But is this the case with Windows 8.1? I have W8.1 Pro.

It works just fine on Windows 8.0 and 8.1. I use it on my Windows 8.1 Pro laptop.

Is he asking if he could run the 2 firewalls together, Avast and Windows?

Yes I am.

Ah, half asleep here. ;D

Since avast! v9, that stance has changed.

It’s best to disable Windows Firewall if running avast! 9 Internet Security of Premier.

Good catch, schmidthouse. I must have read it wrong. I don’t use avast’s firewall and Windows firewall together. Unfortunately, when I do install Avast Internet Security it doesn’t disable the Windows firewall. I have had to manually turn the Windows firewall off each time so don’t forget to check this.