Firewall you use

As we are often discussing about firewalls recently, so I think stop talking and let’s look what are we using. ;D

Besides, I’m using Kerio PF and my SmartAX MT820 ADSL Router has integrated firewall too (I think it means router/hardware firewall)

I’m using a router/hardware firewall and on the systems ZA Pro.

ZA home here, primarily because it’s quite user-friendly. And that’s a major factor if, like me, you have in effect a learning disability. I never bothered with the Pro version mainly because (as far as I can tell) the only things that it adds are its Privacy features, which I already handle nicely with other things (which don’t conflict with avast, by the way).

About the only negative about ZA is that once in a while it’ll “forget” its settings, particularly with regard to program permissions, and need those cleaned up.

I’m getting this feeling the I have seen this before under something like what firewall are you using with avast!

As in this Poll - - although this states ‘Poll, What Free Firewall do you use with Avast’

I use Look’n’Stop ;).

It was more than one year ago… ;D

Zone Alarm for me, don’t have a hardware firewall yet. :slight_smile:

I used Kerio 2.1.5 but now I use XP SP2 firewall, seems faster :slight_smile:

Kerio 4.2.0 for me is the best.I like the new Aplication Behavior Blocking feature ;D

Kerio 4.2.0 here and happy!

I’m using Kerio 4.2.0 too, it’s rather easy to use and understand what it’s supposed to do and I really love its Behavior Blocking that give me a good level of proactive protection. It seems that Kerio hasn’t had any problems with avast!, they’re always love each other on my machine. ;D

i’m using Jetico Firewall. use only about 4MB of RAM.

I voted for Router/Firewall.

Windows XP software firewall I use = Sygate 5.5 Pro

With Fedora 4 software firewall = Firestarter

I use Smoothwall Express as a firewall/router and Kerio

what’s a firewall/router? I mean it’s okay to use a regular firewall and that at the same time right?



hardware firewall… is it physical or like “software”?

tim ??? ::slight_smile:

It’s physical, a router for instance. Although, internally it runs a ‘code’ (like an internal software) of its ‘motherboard’. I suppose :-[

A firewall/router is a router with built in hardware firewall and it only protects inbound connections and a software firewall(ZA,Sygate,Kerio…) protects you also from outbound connections.

A good router/firewall also protects outbound traffic.

How much money would that be?