Firewall: Your operating system kernel does not support netfilter....

I’m using Avast! Mobile Security 1.0.1892 with a Samsung Galaxy Y Pro B5510, Android 2.3.5, Kernel The phone is rooted and I have installed Superuser v3.0.7 (41).

So if I try to enable Avast Firewall I get this message: “Your operating system kernel does not support netfilter, so the avast! firewall will not work. To solve this, flash a custom ROM with full netfilter support.

Is there any possible solution besides getting a custom ROM with full netfilter support? :frowning:

Reinhard knows a bit more about this than I do, but I think the kernel needs to be compiled with the netfilter support so there is no other way, sorry :frowning:


Sigh, thanks anyway Filip :frowning:

Filip is right - its the core kernel that does not offer netfilter in your image.

That’s what I thought :frowning: Thanks for the reply