
timcan, :smiley: Of course, outbound connections, not inbound! :smiley:

The only difference between payed and free version is disabling of Web blocking that doesn’t work anyway. :slight_smile: Overall all the functions remain the same. :slight_smile:

Well… can you post a link to this guru’s option…
Seems it’s not truth… Does this guru works for other firewall manufacturer? ;D

???I have visit all the websites from almost every Firewall today.
No not that i remove KerioFreeFirewall today or coming weeks, but
i read all the things and setups(if it can) and then i see Outpost Free.
Outpost must be olso good,but the interface is not so easy to understand.
And i look on the Forum off Comodo,and there is a heavy discussion
about COMODO Free? Forget it,or it is true or not, this is nice to follow it.
Comodo said it is not true,but costumers says No its a TRIAL.
And on the homesite i read that there is coming a new version the
6 or7 nov.
If i am completely missing this message,than you reacthing please.
It must be said that i never learn English, but i try it. (TV English)
No i take no lessons, becous i am 60+and i hate schools!!

Trial for what? Right now the application is full free…

2 Tech: he doesn’t work for other firewall vendor… :smiley: I can’t give a link, but I will quote his msgs to me 2morrow. :slight_smile:

Like i said,on the ComodoForum can you read the discussion
about ComodoFirewalls.
So there are costumers who said that the first month a trial is.
After registrating going something wrong,becourse the key for activating
is not working.
And it seems it is no incidently, becourse so many users reacthing on it.
No said Comodo The Firewall is Free for livetime.
This is what i read,but yes me English is not so good. ::slight_smile:

Then I said it now…Comodo Firewall is free for lifetime! :slight_smile:

And if you don’t believe me…read it on their homepage:

Comodo Firewall - It’s Free. Forever. No Catch. No Kidding

And the big boss at the Comodo company says it’s free:,2672.0.html

Yes, BLUESMAN,this is what i mean!
This is the reacting from COMODO,and i believe it.

4U, Tech:

that’s what he wrote.

Message 1
By the way, I found a VERY interesting leak in COMODO yesterday. I was downloading CureIt! and it needs port 21 (FTP) and a very high port (somewhere around 64.000). I had it set to VERY HIGH security, which means it is supposed to let you know EVERY connection to EVERY remote port. It didn’t recognize and/or warn me about the 64.000 range! So, it’s either a bug, or COMODO itself is calling home through that range, which wouldn’t surprise me. Too much ‘snake oil’ around this product if you ask me…


Message 2
Hi, Nick!

I got some BS letter as a reply today from the COMODO dev guys. They are trying to say that this is not a remote address issue. The remote address ‘just spawns the ftp’ or something. According to them, this is not a remote connection issue. My logs show SYN flags from my computer to the addresses below on high ports, but this is not a remote connection issue… :=)

Here are the addresses that have to be allowed to download Dr.Web’s CureIt! Of course port 21 (ftp) but also:

  • ( port range 64000-65535

  • ( port range 64000-65535

  • ( port range 64000-65535

  • ( port range 64000-65535

  • If you allow ALL TCP Out to Any address, Any port you can download CureIt, but you won’t get an alert about high ports in COMODO.

  • If you restrict remote ports (21, 80, 90, 443, 5190) then you cannot download CureIt and you will see an Outbound Policy Violation log. No alerts however.

  • If you allow the addresses above, you can download CureIt, but you won’t get an alert about high ports in COMODO.

It’s very strange also that there are no application logs. Only Netmonitor (packet logs).

I think I’ve witnessed a very bad case of ‘snake oil’ here and I will never again recommend COMODO to anyone. And the lesson is clear: packet rules should be VERY rigid, whatever firewall you are using.


O.K. I understand that i now have the Free KERIO Firewall,and i hold him.
i should not take the Comodo.
Thank You for the support!!

Reading this thread … now I really do think Comodo is worth a try.

You said TRY it.
But PAUL (message2) should never recommend Comodo.
And Nick have olso this meaning,so why should i change me Kerio
for Comodo.
True, its a nice programm,but the experts says take not Comodo.
If comodo whit a new version better is than the Kerio,then i am the first
to download COMODO. O.K.?

I was speaking for myself and my intention to try it.

I have not seen any expert opinions … just posts and reported emails from an unknown individual - I suggest they have as much value as any other posts in the thread.

I would also recommend to anyone to try comodo as well as any other firewall they might feel suits them .
at the end of the day the best protection comes from a hardware firewall rather than a software one.
A little read from an expert who has his own opinion about software firewalls and their merits
Edit, the link is dead but here,s an excerpt…

…If you want to play with a piece of windows software that makes you click all over the place, there’s always minesweeper.

If you’ll feel safer sleeping at night knowing there’s a ‘personal firewall’ running on your system, then install one. As long as you pay no attention to the “hack attacks” it reports it’s better than nothing. A free one, ideally, as few of them are worth paying for. Turn off all the alerts and logging - you’ll just waste your time (and, more importantly to me, my time and the time of other network administrators your complaints go to) increase your blood pressure and provide no benefit to you. If you really want to leave them turned on and see where traffic is coming from, feel free, but remember that most of the traffic you see is harmless, and that even if it isn’t harmless it can’t affect your system (if it could, it wouldn’t be logged). Oh, and try not to waste admins time with frivolous complaints…
good luck ;D
Link to a review on CPF I was involved in when it was first released

I have Comodo installed on 6 computers. On one of those the program reported that the trial period expired after about one month of use (I didn’t pay attention to the exact time frame). Re-registering solved the problem.

MAUSERME,6 compu"s whit the COMODO Firewall and how are they
So let me forget the comodo forum,becourse you have no struggles.
But how long do you use this Firewall and have you complains?
Maybe i ask to much,but you are user,and so the only one on this
forum(i think)with 6 comp"s,so you can say COMODO is good or not.

I started using Comodo on single computer about 3 months ago (mostly because of Tech’s continued recommendation) and have slowly rolled it out to the others. The most recent installation is 30 days old today. Other than that one small glitch with the registration it’s been problem free for me.

If I have any complaint about Comodo I could wish for better logging options but, as Cloussau pointed out, that can be as much a curse as a blessing.

I can only compare Comodo to Jettico, Zone Alarm Free and ASahmpoo Firewall as I have little or no experience with Sygate, Kerio, etc:

I tried Jettico several months ago and at that time the pop-ups were endless. It never settled into a mode where it recognized what should and should not have internet access. I got rid of it after a week.

I’ve been a Zone Alarm fan for a while but lately I don’t like some if the changes they’ve made. For example, ZA logs every program opened even if it doesn’t want internet access. This makes working with the program control a little cumbersome.

I was also very excited about AShampoo when it first came out becuase it’s so light on resources. But it caused boot problems on several machines that I couldn’t resolve short of uninstalling it so I gave up on it after the first 3 revisions.

I don’t think this is a reaction… this was the first statement from the Comodo staff…

Well… the costumers here can say whatever they want… but the reality is:

I’ve posted in Comodo forums… I’m not an expert to answer these points…,3687

I have three running smoothly 8)