
my firewall wont turn on…when I try to turn it on it says “firewall not available”

Please be more specific…!
Are you sure you are in the right section here…?? :wink:

what section should I be in? How much more specific can i get…my firewall wont turn on…

So, you’re running a server edition…?
Which avast do you use…? (Version/Build)
Which FW are you talking about…? (AIS…??)

hmm…you just landed on March and the natives turned your firewall off is that it?

…yes, I know :frowning:

ok…during the trial period the firewall worked, then after i purchased it the firewall no longer works, its avast 4

what’s the name of this firewall? Avast4 has no firewall. Do you mean Windows firewall worked during the trial of Avast4/pro, and as soon as you bought Avast4/pro, Windows firewall stopped working?

well that explains it then…I didnt know that avast does not have a firewall lol, I was trying to turn on soething that doesnt exist :stuck_out_tongue:


one last thing, you should upgrade to Avast5 :wink: >>> If you do, make sure to uninstall Avast 4 first, reboot, and then install Avast 5.

ok thanx :smiley:

Well, avast 5 IS (short AIS) has a firewall.
So, after you updated to 5.0.594, you can upgrade to AIS, if you like.