wondering if there better firewall than windows 7 built in firewall or just stick with it?
dont know if zonealarm free v11 any good?
wondering if there better firewall than windows 7 built in firewall or just stick with it?
dont know if zonealarm free v11 any good?
Since it does the job, changing it is entirely up to you.
It’s all I used while I was on Windows 7.
Windows 7 Firewall with Advanced Security is just fine. With the advancements in Windows 7 the need for a 3rd party firewall is not necessary. If your behind a router with NAT then Windows firewall is just fine. Anything else is just added bloat and paranoia.
Depends if you want outbound control.
Im using online armor which seems to be a very good firewall.
Win7 have outbound control…if you turn it on.
but not as easy to use as other firewalls, but you can use a program to control it
latest Trend Micro internet security have dropped the firewall, instead they control the win firewall with a built in program
If you check our signatures you will find a ton of different set-ups.
This might help http://www.techsupportalert.com/best-free-firewall.htm
Beware of ZoneAlarm as it has been known to cause/create conflicts with avast.