Hi avast forum, long time user first time poster here.
I have had a problem with my connection as of late and have been going through quite an amount of troubleshooting to figure out what has been destroying my connection among other things…
One of the things I noticed was that avast was hogging a huge amount of bandwidth( I have confirmed that it was actually not )
So I tried to turn off avast, but could not find any form to turn it off. After a couple of minutes I resorted to my faithful friend Google.
So I searched “how to turn off avast”. And I was surprised.
Look, I have been around on the internet for quite some time. I am a lurker at heart.
I never post on any form of board unless I am forced to. And today Avast you forced me to.
The responses I have read from your forum moderators to threads with people asking how to disable your program is absolutely disgraceful.
Never have I seen such childish comments and posts from persons supposed to be helping people and representing their program/community/company than I have today
Here is one of the threads: http://forum.avast.com/index.php?topic=117055.0
Now I wont say ALL responses to topics similar are bad, there are actually some proper comments that reflect avast in a very positive manner.
But after seeing how rude and disrespectful your board staff can be I can safely say after many years of use I will be moving on to use another program for my computers security.
The main thing that really annoys me is how the question “How can i turn off Avast(not disable it)” is avoided and tiptoed around without a straight answer because the answer is you have to uninstall it.
And a person uninstalling avast is not an option for a lot of these forum rep/moderators as I see because, at the end of the day if they don’t have avast then why help them, isn’t that right?. And then the condescending fashion they talk about it. “Why would you need to disable avast?! It is gods gift to thee AND YOU WANT TO TURN IT OFF??? Thou must be a common casual user of the interwebs and computor and therefor do not understand anything! Give me reasons why you want it disabled then we shall consider helping you peasant!” <—not literal but that is what it feels like when reading your responses.
It is their computer, their choice, they should be able to get a straight answer and turn off a program if they so choose without being pecked apart by your incompetent mods and made to look like a fool.
I have been in retail for many years and I can say you NEVER speak to a customer or user of a product you sell/support the way I have seen today on this forum.
I will be uninstalling avast immediately
I will be recommending my friends/family co-workers and associates to never use your product.
I will be uninstalling avast from all the computers at my office as well as ending all subscriptions.
I wont leave this forum and end this post saying Avast will fall into the ground and go bankrupt with my departure, in fact I realize life will go on at Avast HQ and all will fine even with 4-8 subscriptions lost and a handful of people lost.
I’m disappointed guys. I am going back to lurking for what I hope is a long time.