Well i was hopping i would never have to post here but i guess i am now. Ok I was playing an online game called Enemy Territory, and suddenly my computer just slowed down so i exited and avast! popped up saying i had a virus!!! well i was a little shocked, i though it might be a false positive cause i was scanning with ad-aware when it warned me of the malware. So i moved it to the chest. I am not sure if it is a real virus, i tried uploading to Jotti but i got a screen saying that a firewall of the file that may be infected it preventing me from uploading the file, so i shut down my firewall (comodo personal) and tried again, still no upload. So i took it to the Kespersky online file scanner. Still no upload. So i put the file in the chest and will scan it in a while when avast! has been able to update and remove any false positives if it is not a real virus. Well i think it is real so i would like any info on the virus if you guys have any on it. The virus is called Win32: Fkgen [Joke]. Please any info would help me a lot.
The [Joke] part at the end of the name would indicate that this particular program is designed to play pranks on unsuspecting individuals. It is not malicious.
You can’t upload files to Jotti from within the chest you have to move it out. The same is true of any on-line scanner as the chest is protected storage so the virus can’t be run, etc.
You can Extract it to a temporary folder and upload it from there. You may need to have standard shield paused or it may alert again when you access it.
That’s weird, what size is it, some have a size restriction.
When you have established your connection with the on-line scanner/Jotti, etc. ensure that standard shield and web shield are paused, just in case they might be stopping the upload. Although I would doubt that as avast would/should display a warning rather than block, this assumes that avast detected it in the first place?
What was the filename, where was it found, example (C:\windows\system32\infected-filename.xxx)?
Can you do a screen shot of the Jotti “screen saying that a firewall of the file that may be infected it preventing me from uploading the file.”
LOL it is a little more complex then that in my case, trust me if i had that option i would have chosen it. I was playing an online game at the time and all of a sudden my PC slowed down to a crawl and would barely run. Then i exited out of the game and avast! comes up saying it found a virus, so i shut down and did a boot scan to make sure, moved the virus after the boot scan and then locked it into the chest.