Fix Posted For Possible Corruption Or Deletion Of Drivers In Windows7

If you have lost use of your computer after using Driver Updater with Windows7 here is a likely fix.

Here is what we finally found to fix the issue. Found on wikiHow. If your computer is operating satisfactorily there is little reason IMO to update old drivers especially if the updates are also old.

Problem: Avast Driver Update may have corrupted my pc device drivers. Completely locked out of my computer

Sign-In screen with no cd/dvd drive, usb drive, mouse, or keyboard functions except for the Esc key,

Enter key and the 4 Arrow keys.

Fix: Repeatedly tap or hold down the F8 Key simultaneously when you press the computer “Start” button.

This will take you to the “Safe Mode” screen. Above the 3 Safe Mode options you will see the

words “Repair Your Computer”. Use the “Arrow Key” to highlight the “Repair Your Computer” option,

then press the “Enter Key”. This takes you to “System Recovery” to select your country and select the

name of your computer, i.e., hp elite 8200, then click “Next”. This will bring up the "Start Repair/System

Recovery/Command" options. First, I used “Start Repair” and discovered that Avast Driver Update had

corrupted 11 drivers, so I did a System Recovery using the last recovery date before the Avast Driver

Update quickly restoring all functions and files. The above Wiki website explains these steps by showing

the windows with helpful step explanations. It brought my Windows 7 Professional computer back to life.

The Avast technicians tried to help but their several suggestions did not work. The tech’s last email

advised “I have a hardware problem!” Well, no longer… I fixed it myself with Wikihow and some prior

experience using System Recovery! Good Luck.

I was so very hopeful! unfortunately, my System Recovery has been running for about 9 hours with no further messages or restarts. I fear I now have an old but expensive brick on my desk. I tried an earlier restore point that said my DVD drive is corrupt and the restore failed. So sad

Windows 7 has a backup program here:

Caveat: This only works if you plan ahead for disaster, as here.

A computer system is dynamic in nature. What is that? It is always changing in content and context.

Backup is no good if you can’t access your computer. Booting up to safe mode with the right options is what helped here.


It is possible with some of the better backup programs to start your system via an USB stick, or in the case of older programs, a DVD disc. Once the backup program starts, you can access your latest backup file you created using your program and restore your system exactly the way it was before disaster struck.

I have a newer system and it is possible to restore a known good backup in as little as 5-10 minutes.

Of course, one must re-image their system periodically, else the backup will be too old. Program I use backs everything up on a weekly basis, but options do exist to back it up every day.

What to do if your main operating system drive dies? Use an USB drive and re-install on the replacement new drive. What to do if a driver corrupts your operating system? Same.

Only recommendation when using any driver updater program is, don’t. Not unless you are prepared for unintended consequences.

I would not have upgraded essential drivers such as keyboard or mouse drivers if they work just fine, especially on an older operating system such as Windows 7 or Vista or even XP. What if…? If these crucial drivers fail to take, how to get the system to boot, let alone get it to do what you want it to do?

[EDIT:] Fixed typo marked in italics.