URLcheck didn’t work for me – stayed “queued” overnight.
I logged all the results from Zulu and Sitecheck in case any of it is important.
I checked with one of the folks at KSEF and got this response:
“Yes, this has happened to others. We’ve had Russian/eastern europe trolls for years, but they just put a warning or redirect to a different site, they don’t get past our firewalls… The sites are up…”
The website hosts a submission service for grant applications. They are due soon and I need to be able to access the site. Obviously I could bother some colleagues to use their non-Avast computers, but can this be fixed so I (and I understand others as well) can access the site?
See sources and sinks → http://www.domxssscanner.com/scan?url=http%3A%2F%2Fksef.kstc.com%2Findex.php
See the Kevin van Zonneveld code here: Results from scanning URL: hxtp://ksef.kstc.com/components/com_rsform/assets/js/script.js
Number of sources found: 35
Number of sinks found: 11
Results from scanning URL: htxp://ksef.kstc.com/modules/mod_rokajaxsearch/js/rokajaxsearch.js
Number of sources found: 13
Number of sinks found: 12
error in above javascript code
ksef.kstc. dot com/modules/rokajaxsearch/js/rokajaxsearch.js
status: saved 24184 bytes 82f85636797e45f3e777cfdafb5d5ef145146fc8
info: [decodingLevel=0] found JavaScript
error: undefined variable Class
error: undefined variable Options
error: undefined variable Events
error: line:121: TypeError: Class is not a constructor