OK Avast i have recommended your antivirus to people for years now but with the new broken registration process i am sad to see that i will no longer be able to do that.
When your registration mail no longer provide a registration key that matches what you have to input in the fields to enter a new registration you fail at basic customer support.
Please tell me how the hell you are supposed to enter an 27 letter code into your new format that is six letters - sex letters - six letters
When you only send out a key that looks like this B40086446H1221C0816-3YVK8BXJ (not an actual key just an example)
its not physically possible to enter that into your new format in the program that is B40086-446H12-21C086
The problem here is that you mail out an key that is not only longer then the key for your new format. It is also not divided into 3 parts seperated by -
So please enlight me how are we supposed to even use your product now when it revent us from using it?
I have provided you with a screenshot of the new registration key format that prevent me to continue to use your program after it expires in 33 days.