What happened?
BSOD on Windows 7 32bit with 170320-0 virus definition update.
How to fix
Fix is included in the 170320-1 virus definition update. To update virus definitions:
Right click on the Avast tray icon → Update → Engine and virus definitions
Open Avast → Settings → Update → under Virus Definitions and Current version click on the Update button
Download the offline virus definition updater (vpsupd.exe) from https://www.avast.com/download-update and execute it to apply the virus definition update
When was it fixed?
Timeline (all hours are in CET (Central European Time, GMT +1):
Mar 20 8AM - Virus definition version 170320-0 released
Mar 20 11AM - First mentions on forum about the BSOD
Mar 20 2pm - Release of 170320-1 with the fix started
Mar 20 5:30pm - Virus definition 170320-1 version released
Thank you!
We’re very thankful to our Avast users especially those who posted here on the forum! You helped us discover the root cause much faster which drastically sped up our delivery of the fix.
Manny issues are put forward by us to Avast Developers directly on Slack, so it doesn’t really matter if it is weekend or not.
Also this issue was reported on Slack by Asyn as soon as he noticed it.
I raised a high priority ticket at 10:04am notifying of problems on all 32bit machines - yet to be responded to…
Pretty poor that I’ve had to go via twitter to your forum to get updates.
For those of you with Avast Business - go into your web panel → Network → Settings → Go to the Template → Turn off components
This has resolved it across the board for me. I was on fire, the fire is put out for now. I plan to re-enable the shields after I confirm the update is applied.
My question for Avast support team / representatives… Will the update(s) still apply regardless of the components being turned off? That way I can re-enable the shields after the update applies, so I do not cause further havok for all my clients.
+1 - That and a mass email should be sent out to everyone so we don’t have to go searching as to why numerous workstations are rebooting over and over. Thankfully Google + someone elses Microsoft.com support post reply lead to Avast! being the common denominator which lead to another thread, which lead to this thread.
And somone from avast will later post “we are taking measures so this will not happen again”
as they did say the previous time, and the insident before that, and the one before that, and …