Flash Cookie Remover to cleanse these persistent Super Cookies!

There is a batch file that can be used after one visited a site and closed Flash content.

I give you the code with permission of the developer thereof, Tom T., you may freely distribute it,
and we hope it will be usefull for the users of a Windows XP computer, others may test or adopt it for Vista and/or Windows7 as well.

@echo off
rem Flash Cookie Remover® version 0.31 beta © Copyright 2009 by Tom T. SOME RIGHTS RESERVED.
rem Licensed under Creative Commons License v3.0 (http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-sa/3.0/)
if exist "%appdata%\macromedia" rd /s /q "%appdata%\macromedia"
if exist "%appdata%\adobe" rd /s /q "%appdata%\adobe"
if exist "%appdata%\sandbox\defaultbox\user\current\application data\macromedia" rd /s /q "%appdata%\sandbox\defaultbox\user\current\application data\macromedia"
if exist "%appdata%\sandbox\defaultbox\user\current\application data\adobe" rd /s /q "%appdata%\sandbox\defaultbox\user\current\application data\adobe"

Now safe this as Flash_Cookie_Remover.bat and place upon your desktop

The developer, Tom T. further states:

Please note that I have no feedback from anyone running anything other than XP SP2 Home and Pro (i. e., myself), so to exercise caution (back up the %appdata% folder before running FCR, for example) when running on any other setup, until we have a good database of satisfactory performance (or bugs identified). Or even on systems like mine, since the same OS can be configured differently by different OEMs and different users, as we all know.

Incidentally, since this would be running on a DOS emulator, at least on XP+ and 2000+, the underscores are not necessary in the name. The DOS emulators cmd.exe and command.com support spaces in file names. Since 9x and ME have a genuine DOS layer underneath, I’m not sure about those – if anyone is still running them,

Enjoy this and give me your feedback, I will pass this on to the developer of this nifty tool,


Well the BetterPrivacy add-on that you previously recommended manages Flash Cookies.