Flash Keeps Crashing

I had a problem with Yahoo.com crashing my Adobe Flash in Chrome multiple times per day, so I started using Avast Safe Browser. Things worked great for a long time… until the last week. Now it is doing the same thing with Avast Safe Browser. Is there anything to do to fix this problem? Why is Yahoo.com always involved in this??? I’ve sent them comments and they never respond.

What OS/SP ?
What exact version of the SZB ?

Windows 7 Ultimate SP 1 Not sure of what version the Avast Safe Browser is, I looked in the details of the file and it doesn’t say. How can I figure it out?

Go to the top-left menu → About.

Please do you have an example of a page which contains any flash content? Or page where it happens? I see that yahoo uses HTML5 player for their videos… No crash on my Win 7 64bit

Try this: uninstall the adobe flash player and install it again from adobe website…

I don’t have a top left menu. I have a back button, forward button, refresh button, and start page button. On the right I have a bank button, passwords button, settings button, and download button.

I have the most up to date shockwave flash player. It crashes on Yahoo.com and on a game I play from a company called 37games.

Ok never mind I found it.

Version: 1.51.2220.62 - Avast SafeZone is up to date
What’s New?
Update stream: Stable
System: Windows 7 64-bit (WoW64)

I don’t want to sound like a jerk, but is this an official AVAST forum? Why can’t I get any help? Once again I just had shockwave crash so hard and so long it ate up my computer memory to like 97% and basically made my computer unusable so that I had to do a manual restart. I used to have this problem when I used Chrome and had pages that used the shockwave flash player especially Yahoo.com. I switched to AVAST Safe Browser and had ZERO problems for ages… now all of a sudden within the last week or two I’m having the exact same problems with Yahoo.com and other pages that use shockwave flash player that I did when I used Chrome. So something with either Safe Browser or with Yahoo.com’s page has changed in the last couple weeks.

Sure the easy thing would be to quit going to Yahoo.com, but I have en email address there that I have had for like 10 years and I’m not getting rid of it. So if no one here can help solve my problem with Safe Browser, anyone got an idea of another browser I can switch to? :o

Shockwave and Flash are two different things.

Yahoo as well as others are abandoning flash and use HTML5 instead.

You still haven’t provide one (or more) links to pages where you have the problem as ondrejz asked.

Yes I did. The two that are effected are Yahoo.com and 37Games. Heck it effects my entire computer sometimes, as I said whatever that goes on with it runs my computer memory all the way up to 97% and freeze the whole thing up. I have 6 GB RAM.



And it will say shockwave flash has crashed. It is something to do with Yahoo directly. Anytime I notice my computer is starting to slow down for some reason, all I have to do is close out Yahoo and it fixes the problem instantly. As I said, I had this problem with Chrome which was a browser I used to love, and that made me switch to this one. I had no problems like this until the last couple weeks. So something has changed with the Safe Zone Browser or with Yahoo that now makes it effect Safe Zone browser.

So I’ve provided what OS I run, what service pack, the version of Safe Browser, two sites that are effected by the Shockwave Flash…

You keep saying Yahoo runs HTML5 but it says at the top of the screen when it messes up, on the Yahoo page as well as the 37games page, Shockwave Flash has crashed press to reload. So something on Yahoo’s page runs it and messes it up.

Both sites are working fine in all my browsers.

And as I said Shockwave and Flash are two different things.
So which one is it you have the problem with ?

It says Shockwave Flash has crashed please click to reload.

I’d show you a screen shot but for some reason when I got to take one it doesn’t show the message in it just the actual web page.

It just happened again and this is the EXACT message it says," The Shockwave Flash plug-in has stopped working on this page." Then on the right is a reload page button.

Still no help? Is there any other place I can contact Avast for assistance?

Tonight my computer started to mess up again on the Yahoo page I saw it was trying to load an ad from vid-io.springserve.com. Not sure what that is, but I clicked to close the Yahoo tab, but it still bogged down my computer for a good 2 minutes before it finally closed the tab and came back to running normal.

Someone PLEASE help me with this problem.


  1. Please update your Avast to the latest version. You need to have 17.x version.
  2. Uninstall everything related to Flash from your computer
  3. Open SafeZone browser, go to adobe.com, download flash player and install
  4. Restart SZBrowser or better restart PC

It should work