going nuts here.
had flashplayer working in chrome.
switched to secure browser and love it, but . . .
can’t figure out how to enable installed adobe flashplayer to run games.
please help
I think ASB blocks Flash by default. Have you turned off the Flash Blocker in the Security and Privacy center?
Are you asking about this version? https://get.adobe.com/flashplayer/otherversions/
Not something I would install in Secure Browser.
Too vulnerable and insecure. IMO, installing this would defeat the security hardening of the browser which you would need for protection.
Anyone EVER come up with a solution for this? I have the same problem as the original poster. I cannot watch Flash using the Avast Secure Browser. I tried right clicking on the address, changing the dropdown for “Flash” to “Allow” then reloading - still does not work. I tried going to “chrome://settings/content/flash” but the “Allow” button is disabled. This is very frustrating.
In the Privacy Center, Flash is blocked by default,
If you really want to bypass this, turn it off at your own peril.