Flashplayer stuff

Problem Description: Unable to download flashplayer. Used to have it but lost it a while back. And when trying to download the latest version from Adobe it tells me I have a newer version already installed even though control panel and revo uninstaller do not acknowledge the existence of a flashplayer version on the computer. When accessing flashplayer installation problem solver, the grey box does not show a flashplayer version in existence either. Not sure where or what the cause may be. Would appreciate any ideas, thoughts.

Does it work if you disable spyware blasters immunisation, you could also try the direct installer for 32 bit windows http://www.filehippo.com/download_flashplayer_ie/download/285348f9b6aff39f63dc23bfd3cc66e3/

Thank you - will try and report.

Problem persists. For some reason, when trying the file hippo option, it indicates that a newer version is available and should be downloaded. Get redirected to Adobe. Then try to dwonload this newest version and, as before, again the error message that a newer version (does not even exist I believe) is already installed; and then the installation process terminates. Any other suggestions please? Thanks.

  1. So, which version is installed right now…??
  2. Your OS…?? (32/64 Bit…? - which SP…?)

Edit: ad 1.) If you don’t know, you can check here: http://www.adobe.com/software/flash/about/

That’s the problem. According to any and all data on my PC there is no version of flash player installed. And when Adobe does the diagnosis on what is installed I get that empty grey square.

Windows vista 32. Please explain ‘SP’…


  1. Follow instructions: http://helpx.adobe.com/flash-player/kb/uninstall-flash-player-windows.html
  2. Reinstall Flash Player.

PS: SP means service pack. :wink:

Good stuff. It’s back showing as installed. But could something be blocking it? Can’t get it to go on my favorite site. When I look at the little lock sign right hand bottom of screen it shows ‘some items may be blocked’, but when I switch that to ‘off’ still don’t get flashplayer going. Any further suggestions please? Believe I have SP 2. Thanks.

Good, which version…??

It says: You have version 11,1,102,63 installed

OK, that’s the latest.
Which browser are you using…??

IE 8 - have problems when I have IE 9 installed; thus have stayed with 8.

Sorry, as I don’t use IE you’ve to wait for someone else to help.
Good luck…! :wink:

To eliminate a possible Browser problem, you may want to install either Google’s Chrome browser or Firefox
and see if that cures the problem. That way we can at least isolate the culprit in this issue.

I appreciate the suggestion. However too many browser issues in my past - I don’t dare go there. If you have other suggestions I would welcome.

I did just install IE 9 in place of IE 8. No change. I have a sense something is blocking flash player from running. But I can’t find what it may be.

Do you have the active x protection turned on in spyware blaster? if so turn it off, also is adobe enabled in your IE add on’s

Name Shockwave Flash Object
Publisher Adobe Systems Incorporated
Status Enabled
File date ‎Wednesday, ‎7 ‎March ‎2012, ‏‎10:40 PM

Was indeed turned on in Spyware blaster. Have turned off. Adobe add-ons enabled in IE.
Still no luck.
Any chance you know a site that uses flash player for its videos? Just want to check if perhaps somehow something with this site I use was blocked, rather than the player being the problem. Thanks.

The stat’s in the avast UI uses flash and you can test on any youtube video.

If spyware blaster was blocking active x then you should reboot the system after disabling the active x blocking, that should reset it.

Ok, well that cleared things up. Thanks. Flashplayer worked just fine. The web site in question is ESPN. What may I have done that prevents the player working on that site…any idea please?