For avast next final release...

In the next release or in the current beta,
in the settings create an option that the user
can select to update to beta updates.

That means, create 2 update servers, one for beta and another for official releases,
so the programs checks both servers when it’s selected to update to beta updates.

It’s easier and no need to download the beta installer (80 MB)… and it’s kind of
professional way to update the software.

Two update servers you say, there are currently 299 update servers.

The idea being it shouldn’t be so easy to go on to the beta stream, as for the majority of people they probably shouldn’t even entertain beta software, especially security software. Whilst the avast betas have generally been stable, they aren’t without problems and using it on a live system is no light matter.

Those with the experience aren’t going to find it an issue and putting that small hurdle in the way if they want to enter the beta trial.