For AvTeam:6.0.1044 freeze of sys. when open folder(extHD) containing ExeFile.

Hi All.
Hi Avast Team.
Just a little note.
After installing 601044 on the 601000, I refound an old problem.
Trying to open with explorer.exe an old folder (in external usb HD)that containing exe file, the system has frozen.
Using Task Manager, I could close the window blocked (although the system was locked), explorer restarted, the icons in the task bar refilled.
Even the other attempts to open the folder were not successful.
This time (after system restart) the problem was solved when I first open a same folder (with the same content of files, with the same name) on the HD hard disk (c:).
I hope to be helpful.
If You would i send You all exe files on ftp.

… ;D ?
No news for me?

So after the new install you did not reboot ?, only after you had the freezing from trying to open an old file and now there is no problem ?
My first suggestion if it happened again would be for a clean install rather than over the top just to eliminate that as a contributing cause.

for me it only takes a lot of processor… :-\

Do you have the file system shield scan all files ticked in scan when opening ? if so untick it.

ya its that way only

but i have used Quick Heal Antivirus 2011 which also scans all files while opening but it never eats my processes

Quick heal might not scan as thorough as avast so if you do have that box checked it will eat up your processer, the default is unticked for this reason.

ya may be but if unchecked then it will only scan document files. I wonder if this would not affect virus detection rate???

Hi All.
Thanks Craigb. But is not this.
I think it depends on the scanning mechanism of Avast.
Only AV team know the structure of Avast and only they can answer.
I, from what I’ve seen, I can only say that sometimes access to the folder is locked and explorer.exe freezes.
I have seen many times that, with Avast uninstalled this does not happen.
As soon as I reinstall the folder is inaccessible again, as if avast had stored some action or any of the information that conflicts with Explorer.exe.
This is the feeling that I had. That something is in conflict with Avast is certain, but, again, as this happens I can not know.