For how long will Avast!4 be supported?

Avast!5 runs only under Microsoft Windows 2000, XP, Vista, 7 (32/64 bit). Have you decided for how long Avast!4 will be supported?

This is of interest to those of us running older operating systems. (I claim the oldest; I am running under Windows 95.)

Many thanks,

out this year have been said

Offtopic: Wow, that’s old indeed. Does that system connect to the internet through a LAN connection ? What is it used for ?


I wonder if this has ever been confirmed by one of the Avast! boys ???

Greetz, Red.

They did not make any announcement to phase out the server version of avast 4, why would they phase out the desktop version ? I believe they will end support when avast 5 will be “feature complete” (ie, when all the features they planned for the 5th version are implemented) - pure speculation ofc

Not 100% sure but i think it was vlk…maybe in the beta forum ?

My personal opinion:
From January to July, the version 5 was updated in ~50% of the avast installations.
It’s possible to get the other 50% from now to the end of the year, although the curve for this should be slight.
But, they won’t be able to finish the support. I think it will go for 2011.

Was Methuselah still alive and used Windows 95 ???

It has always had a LAN card but, at the moment, I connect through a modem.

What is it used for ?

Well, at the moment, I am typing this. The machine is a Pentium II, and is used to connect to the Internet and for general Web browsing. I maintain my PHP website on it (although the actual web server is elsewhere).

I resent an OS that steals all my CPU cycles for fancy whiz bangs that I do not want and would never use. Unfortunately, even free software that is compatible is becoming increasingly difficult to find, so I guess I will soon have to upgrade to a new(ish) computer running XP. (Anything more recent than XP would be suicide; visit


This is also of interest to me. I am running a “tweaked” version of Windows ME which is very stable. Also, I use other software which is not compatible with later versions of Windows. However, I am beginning to think that I will have to upgrade sooner or later.

In the meantime I would be very sorry to lose the protection of Avast!
