For ME STILL NO Sound or correct Virus Toaster Popup


I still have NO sound or voice over
I thought this issue was resolved in 9.0.2008? Sadly for me it has not been fixed at all:(

The ONLY popup I get today 13/12/2013 is about avast Mobile Security Survey. :frowning:
NO sound, Voice Over or correct Virus Toaster Popup in other words NO information about the Virus Database being updated and what version of the Virus Database I have :frowning:

Hope this will be looked into for me and resolved, thank you in advance.


happy avast user :slight_smile:

I assume this is about the beta? Your signature says otherwise atm. :wink:

I was not getting sound with the 9.0.2008 version - well perhaps once in a blue moon but the pop ups were always correct. Since using 9.0.2010 it has announced the updates with the pop-up, although perhaps it is lulling me into a false sense of security, heh, I hope it has been resolved on my system

It seems strange that it works for some and not for others.

Well for me it has been intermittent for some days/week where some times I get the normal update notification popup, with voice over and the duration settings work.

Then I will get the screwed up update notification, incorrect popup, no voice over and popup timings not working.

So this intermittent update notification issue/bug still has to be completely squashed.

Hi Rohugh, thank you so much for your reply I really appreciate it.:slight_smile:
Yes this is about the beta, sorry I did not change my signature but I have now.

Thanks again.

happy avast user :slight_smile:

Hi DavidR, thank you so much for your reply I really appreciate it:)

I am glad there is someone else who is having the same problem / issue as me:) I thought I was the only one that had this problem / issue.

I have had this problem with ALL versions of Avast 2014 9.0 from the time I started testing the Betas to now this bug has NOT been fixed and I have reported this problem / issue numerous times and still this bug has not been squashed.:frowning:
Program update 9.0.2008 was supposed to resolve this problem / issue, but sadly it has not been fixed / resolved :frowning:

Thanks again

happy avast user :slight_smile:

Are you by any chance using Silent Mode ?

Hi RejZor, thanks for your reply and question I really appreciate it:)

To answer your question I can happily say and confirm that I am not using Silent Mode, I have all sounds enabled.:slight_smile:
The only sound and correct Popup I don’t get is when the Virus Database is updated, when the Virus Database is updated the Popup Notification I get is about Mobile Security Survey with NO Voice Over Announcement and not the Virus Database has been updated popup Toaster:(

All other sounds and popups are fine and working normally. :slight_smile:

happy avast user:)

My update process behaves exactly the same as you describe it. 8)

Using beta on test rig. on xp sp3 system. Can confirm that the bug on virus update popup still no sound as on V8 older avasts still work.

Must be ongoing to sort this out on the next fix update?

The missing sound is a known problem still ongoing, beta testing is also over as the latest stable is 2014.9.0.2011.


Can confirm that off removed beta on my test rig.

Installed the new latest avast V9. & Still the same ongoing issue on XP SYSTEMS. My test rig is fully patched and on xp sp3.

Sound is not working on the updates of the virus definitions.

The sounds do work if you inject a virus to avast to prove that it works ok!!!. as i have got some virus test samples to simulate a virus to avast to detect. ecar etc test files

Ongoing fault on xp systems. Is any one having the same issues on windows 7 & 8???.

More soak testing needed. On my other computer still on V.8

At the risk of "awakening’ a sleeping topic…

In regard to update toaster & audio notifications, for some time I’ve had various avast! versions behaving in different ways at different times. But today for the first time, all 4 machines I have switched on are unified in their responses to updates.

These are:
1 x Windows 8 64-bit - AIS 2014.9.0.2011
1 x Windows Vista Home 32-bit - Free 2014.9.0.2012
1 x Windows XP Pro 32-bit - AIS 2014.9.0.2010
1 x Windows XP Home 32-bit - Free 2014.9.0.2012

All are set to default update behaviour, i.e. none on “Silent/Gaming.”
All are apparently receiving the latest updates as they become available.
None are displaying notification popups or playing audio
. The only popups are as attached samples.

I don’t think I need to spell it out. It’s just not a good look!

No such problem here.

Coincidence or someone heard me? :wink:

Toaster & audio notifications back working today on 2 of the betas.
Will check the other 2 tomorrow.

Re sound issue on my system. Narrowed it down to a currupt windows system file for sounds on my system.

Re built system files with sfc \scannow on comand prompt.

Did a fresh re instal again of the new avast & the english speaking voice is all working for the gereral virus update message.

I know this topic is old, but this problem is old also…Since the beginning of avast 2014.9.0.x running currently avast build 2013 on window 7x64 ultimate. Everytime there in an avert in the update popup, it just pops up with no sound and just stays there (doesn’t retract). I think they worked on this on build 2010 or so, but it didn’t take on my machine

Had the same issue with v9 release for some time now.Its been quite often as a problem to me.Maybe avast team can shed some light :slight_smile:

After a major problem with this beta forced me to do a clean uninstall and reinstall, it has begun giving me this same problem. Mine seems to be inconsistent, though; the popup “Virus database has been updated” doesn’t seem to get stuck in the “up” position, but it sometimes doesn’t display at all, and the sound often doesn’t play. However, other voice and popup notifications, particularly the “scan completed” and “virus has been detected” seem to be fine.

For me, the 32 bit Win 8 computer has no sound problems with the avast! sounds.
The 64 bit Win 8 system is a different story. I can’t recall ever hearing a sound
from the VPS update notification.

No voice for Avast finally solved!!! The secret is the length of the pop ups! I changed the length of the popups to stay for 120 seconds. goto> Settings > Appearance > Pop Ups: set all for at least 60 seconds. I have mine set for 120 seconds and now I hear the Brittish female voice at least twice per day!