For Oliver - Impossible to exclude a website from being marked as URL:Mal ?

Copy, original topic accidentally removed.


My website was marked today as URL:Mal by Avast, investigations found the site was clean but its ad network temporarily played host to a bad website, and so, now, I’m eagerly waiting for Avast to remove the malwarish marking (I asked about it on the forum earlier, that issue is now over).
As kindly advised, I used the contact form for false positives, and now I really wonder how long it will take, I have no idea. Knock wood, cross fingers, and all that.

However, until then, I’m still prevented from accessing my website.
I tried excluding its URL from being flagged and blocked, and yet, apparently, I’m forgetting an important setting, since Avast still refuses to load my website.

Please, could I ask what I’m forgetting to do, so that I may once again open my website without deactivating Avast ?

Details :

  • the website is hxxp:// (Watch out ! This is a NSFW website, you may have better not open it from work.)
  • In the main Avast window, I whitelisted it in both
    . Security > (horizontal tabs, right side of the main window) > Parameters > Global Exclusions > URL > (domain)
    . Security > (vertical list below the Security word) > Web Agent > Parameters > Exclusions > (domain)
    You can see it on those screenshots (sorry if it’s in French), here and there.

Thank you very much if you know what I may have forgotten in order to be able to visit my website :slight_smile:
(Oh, and if you know how long un-blacklisting from Avast takes - both the reviewing and the frequency of VPS updates -, thank you very much too :slight_smile: )

Kind regards,

The Global Exclusions are for on-demand and on-access scans, that won’t work on the web shield.

The next point is that it isn’t the web shield that is alerting, but the Network Shield and there are no exclusions for the network shield.

So you have to use the contact form to report it as mentioned in the other topic.