For those bloggers that want to know

Hi bloggers,

Through WP-Slimstat one could get some idea who is sniffing out your blog, also for crawlers

Via Bad Behaviour a lot of suspicious requests can be blocked automattically and the accompanying IPs be logged:

Finally thereis Spider Tracker, that could come in handy also:

Interesting read:


Hi Polonus,

Thanks for the information. Sometimes I was get afraid someone would hack my blog just like some of my friend’s blogs got attacked.

Hi Cahya,

With all the issues we are seeing recently, it is a good thing to keep the finger on the pulse, so to say. Be aware what is going on there. Know that there is a lot of scanning going around. Stick with content that is creative.commons and free of rights material. For a scan see:
and CopyGator:
With Yahoo api in stead of Google we have:

If doing links always mention link source and author, better be safe than sorry. This concerning material you use, on the other hand do protect against hackers and malcreants who want to use your space to troll, spam and abuse or maliciously re-direct to malware all sorts. Always use the latest software, fully updated and patched. Forewarned is forearmed. Stay safe and secure is the wish and command of,


Hi Polonus,

I do concern about copyright material, giving the exact citation or backlink to the resource, or asking to reproduce should be a wise way to avoid infringement. I use Digiprove for my wordpress blog, but still I put creative commons noncommercial share alike for my works - since I have no intention to gain any material profit from it.

[Digiprove is here:]

I use a strict blacklist setting for comment form with WP-SpamFree (instead of Akismet), so I do some customizes and protect my blog again spams. And a strict moderation setting especially for those who give external link(s).

I don’t know if this enough, but I think it safe for now.

Thanks for you links, shall give a check soon :slight_smile:
