For those interested: MS Signed Themes download !!

Heya guys !!

A while ago, I posted this:

Luckily, the version is up to 5.0 now and the author of the pack, 5eraph released an installer !!

Yeah, that’s right, you can get all the official themes by Microsoft in this package (with a little extras) !!

Here’s the link: .

Me? I’m going to integrate these in my new XP disc.

Have fun guys !!

Thanks a lot.

I’ll test on my XP later… Hope there is an option for Vista.
Kubuntu has quite a lot of new themes, specially on alpha 8.10 version.

I dunno about Vista, Tech.

Has Microsoft even released signed themes for Vista yet? As far as I know, they have not.

And from what I’ve seens (and attempted), it’s harder to patch uxtheme.dll in Vista due to UAC and more.

I’ll let you know if it ever happens :wink: !!

Thanks. I don’t know anything about Vista signed themes either.
It’s a pity. It’s a shame… less options than other OS.

I prefer Gnome.
I don’t know about Vista, but i think there are not more themes. I was searching for a friend and i couldn’t find anything.

I just downloaded and installed the stand alone x86 version and it works perfectly on XP SP3. :slight_smile: