Forced Program Update

I am currently using Avast 4.7.942 and all is well. Does anyone know when the current program update (4.7.986) will forced during a regular iAvs update?


I think iAVS update will not install program updates.

Program updates are forced only when they’re required in order for VPS to work correctly. This happened few months ago.

Thanks for the responses. My question is does anyone know when this is scheduled to happen.

If you have the Program Settings, Update (Basic), Program updates set to the default value ‘Ask when update is available’ then it should ask somewhere in the 7 day program update cycle (done to balance server load) you should have been asked.

The last program update 4.7.986 was released on the 18 April 2007 so the 7 day cycle is complete, you should have been asked and you may have missed it. If that is the case you can use the manual program update.

Thank you.

It should be a seven days period that have already finished if I’m correct…
So, the updates should already be done at this time… or it would be today…

Your welcome, I trust you have done a manual program update now.

I did a manual program update a few minutes ago and all is well.

Thanks again.

Thanks for posting. Glad everything is well.

We force the latest program version installs only when these conditions are met:
a) latest version is mature enough - there are no known bugs, everything fixed
b) there is high enough number of people already having the latest version - because if forced install would be made too soon, it’d overload the servers
c) there is some new/fixed functionality, especially bound to update/setup/vps parts of avast, which needs to be used by all our users.

So as usual - no dates from us ;D