Forgot my "settings"-password (to change settings)


i’m using the newest version of avast free antivrus on a windows 10 pc.

i have set an password, so that when i want to open the settings i need to type that one in. also when i deinstall avast.

But luckely i deleted 3 symbols of the password. It was on mircosoft’s sticky note app.

I didn’t find anything under support and the 24/7 hotline is only for premium users. Does anybody know what i could do? Couldn’t i just delete the files under windows - programm files? for that i could use secure eraser.

I’m looking forward to an quick answer couse for some reason i deactivated all features :confused:


In your situation you can un-install either from safe mode or you can use avastclear from here

I changed my password and when I go to login, the old password is stored so I can’t get into the account. I was sent instructions on going into settings to repair the account but it also needs the old password. I have no access.

Could you be more specific which settings you have protected by password? Are those avast settings or some system kind of protection?

I’m having a similar problem. I can’t use my avast scan without being promped for a password, neither can I get access to my settings and various other features. No matter what Password I use it’s never the right one. I’m locked out of my own avast!! I can log in to my account but that’s all. Plus, parts of my avast are in Japanese!! What the hell’s going on and what can be done??? >:(

Your problem has nothing to do with the avast password tool.