Forgot passcode

Forgot the passcode to my phone after putting in new sim card. any ideas.


avast! doesn’t send the pin code to our servers and there is no master key for security reasons.

You can try to uninstall it.

To unistall avast! just follow steps below (note that if you have set avast! Anti-theft as a device admin then uninstallation will not work for Anti-theft):

  • Open ‘Settings’ from All Apps screen in your Android phone.

  • Select the option ‘Applications’, then ‘Manage Applications’.

  • Select the option with disguise-name (custom application name) you chose for avast! Anti-Theft during the installation process.

  • On the next screen ‘Uninstall’ and then ‘OK’ to confirm uninstallation of disguised avast! Anti-Theft.

  • Once the uninstallation of avast! Anti-Theft is complete select ‘OK’ to get back to Manage Applications screen.

  • Select the option ‘avast! Mobile Security’.

On te next screen ‘Uninstall’ and then ‘OK’ to confirm unistallation of disguised avast! Anti-Theft.

Once the uninstallation of avast! Free Mobile Security is complete select ‘OK’ to get back to Manage Applications screen.

for further information you can also consult our manual available at:
it will help you understand the basics of the software.
give it a try - it’s short and easy to understand.

99% of all questions asked are also already answered in the FAQ

Best regards,


can thief also use same method for uninstalling avast!
if yes then whats use of installing anti thief into fone

What? How can a thief know, what name you did choose? And in case the app is hidden, he will not find it.

I lost/forgot my PIN and was trying to uninstall the entire program. After some trial and error I got the program uninstalled. Key was finding the Advanced Setting that assigned admin priveleges to the “hidden” program, which I had named “safe and sound.” I had been getting a message “uninstall was not successful” but after unchecking the box about admin priv. the hidden program uninstalled.

Now I’m wondering if I reinstall it with the same email account will I have to try to remember the PIN I had been using or can I start all over from square one? I won’t use “safe and sound” again :wink:

lets just assume for the time-being that thieves are not that smart.

and considering the time-frame from when the phone was stolen til the time you start looking for it via AVAT we could safely assume that you would be able to locate it before they manage to figure out that it is being tracked.

however this could be a good feature to add in-case phone died when lost. setup the ability to have the phone contact the owner at ‘friends 1 or 2’ numbers once phone has power.

Yes you can.

The service is stored in start up, so in case the device is set off and after some time on again, the first what will happen is anti-theft client firing up the SMS.