After updating to version 2014.9.0.2008 I was asked to restart computer which I did, and then when the computer restarted the window came on to tell me all I had to do was click complete, so I did and Chrome started to install. I forgot about this as usually I am on the ball with unticking it. So I panic and cannot stop the install, so after a few seconds I decide my only option is to restart the computer again before Chrome is installed. My question is have I stuffed up the install of Avast in any way? I mean was there anything else in that final part of the install of Avast - apart from Chrome - that I have missed?
I decided to uninstall and install again just in case:)
It seems to me that there should be one more opportunity to stop Chrome.
When it initializes its install (because the boxes were checked), another box should appear,
similar to what happens when any install routine starts up giving you the choice to continue
or cancel.
You could of just let Chrome install and uninstall later instead of trying to stop the install and possibly borking something.
It seems to me the whole idea of having “opt out” for installing additional and in many cases unwanted exra software instead of an argueably more ethical “opt in” is to increase the number of (in this case Chrome) installations, which in turn probably increases the “$” income from Google. It seems to matter little that most if not all of the “installed by mistake” software will subsequently be uninstalled by the end users, at some inconvenience to them.
No doubt it’s legal, (I’ll leave the question of ethics alone) and one probably can’t blame developers from trying to increase their income, but in my book it does show some lack of care for the user. When comparing competing software, I mark down those that resort to “opt out” instead of “opt in” for 3rd party installations heavily.
For those who keep insisting it’s all OK because you are given the option to “opt out”, you are of course entitled to your opinion. It would be just as simple to have it as “opt in”, and cause a lot less grief.
I believe I saw Avast try to install Keepass too in the past, but I haven’t seen that prompt recently though. Google is so evasive with bundling Chrome with everything and they have the money to throw around to make it happen. It is not just Avast, Java, Adobe etc.
I personally think it a shady to make it an opt out instead of an opt in. Bundled software is banking on either the user inexperience(just don’t know) or carelessness to trojan software in the user doesn’t want.
People are giving Avast a pass b/c if they visit these forums they like Avast and b/c Chrome is considered good software, however if you replaced Chrome with an Ask toolbar, people would be up in arms.
However, I guess there is hypocrisy on my part, b/c I know the Avast freemium model partly works b/c of that, and I continue to use the Avast free version sustained by such practices.
Just go to Programs and Features and remove Chrome there. Also tick the option to remove all user files. That’ll do the job.
It’s funny how when you install over an older Avast version the Chrome option comes at the end, but when you do a clean install the Chrome option comes at the beginning. Either way, this time I didn’t get caught out:) Thanks for replies and I also think the opt in idea would be more ethical.
Ethics has nothing to do with making money… welcome to 2014. This is the new world in which we live. The customer is not always right… all the ethical thing gets you is out of business quicker… everything is made in China even though everything that comes out of that place sux and is poisonous… but it’s cheaper to make so that justifies your health problems later.
Customers are cattle now and if you don’t like it the next customer will replace you. Fighting the good fight… fighting city hall… all concepts of the past…
If the government, retailers etc. don’t look at Black Friday and see the sickest nightmares of society come true and put a stop to it… do you really think they will ever give a crud about opt out vs opt in as being ethical? People using tazers on each other, stabbing each other for 20% off a tv… meanwhile bringing their children to witness the whole thing…
But yeah Chrome sux lol
This practice has been around for many, many years.
I’m sure things will only get worse.
With that in mind my advice it to always choose the “custom” install.