Thanks, Pavel, obviously you’ve seen my IM (or had this thread pointed out to you, or both).
Point well taken, Vlk – essentially, “it takes two to make a fight”. Admittedly the problems most commonly start with a newbie who arrives with avast! problems plus a chip on his shoulder, but I’ve also seen it start from folks with several hundred postings behind them.
Obviously our primary purpose here is mutual support and assistance, plus feedback to the Alwil team about possible glitches or incompatibility problems they didn’t encounter themselves. But patience stretches a little thin when someone comes in to tell us nothing more than that they’re ditching avast! without wanting to try suggested fixes.
Mike, all true, but: “…it takes two to make a fight…” doesn’t mean anything in cases like this. I gues I was “other” side in that line, but let’s put it this way: “…it takes at least two to make a war…”. That doesn’t mean both sides are necessarily wrong. One side is defending in most cases…
As I said before, there is no point to discuss about some certain things in life… million people, million different thoughts. Can’t please everybody in the same time. As I told to Bob, from now on I’m shaddow…
I am not talking about the people who come here for help. I am speaking about the people who come here to call other forum members terrorists, ignorant, or tell outright lies about them. Who come here only to say AVAST sucks and leave and those who complain and insult without seeking assistance.
In “Craftec”'s case he told a new member that his avatar was to big, --politely-- the guy then called him a terrorist. I believe at that point he has a right to report the person to a moderator and defend himself – correctly-- which he did.
I had a guy post that I was sending him rude PM’s when in fact I wasn’t, I hadn’t sent him a single PM. I have a right to inform everyone reading that I did not send said person rude PM’s and report that person to a moderator.
Two sides to each fight, but someone always starts it.
In this case, both KezzerDrix and Sasha Are correct. There is always one who starts the attack and one who then defends against the attack.
I think what Vlk is asking us to do is to realize that by challenging the aggressor, we are hurting the integrity and the spirit of this Forum.
Whenever we are attacked, (any member reguardles of his or her standing)we should report that to the moderator and let them handle the situation. By answering or challenging an attacker, we only allow them to win. I realize that it’s never easy to walk away when you have been falsely accused. Unfortunately, sometimes it’s the best cource of action to take.
Theirin lies the problem, human nature in general. Some of us are not pacifists, some of us will stand up for ourselves and what we believe in. Some of us will speak for our friends and ourselves.
Some of us will not go quietly into the night.
Is that right? or wrong? who is the better man?
One thing is sure there is no Utopia, it takes all kinds. I don’t plan on being a different person anymore than anyone else. Sometimes either course of action can make you feel less or better of yourself, in a life of infinite choices we make infinite decisions.
Some of us are not pacifists, some of us will stand up for ourselves and what we believe in.
I was not a Golden Glove participant because I'm a pacifist. I'm only trying to point out that there is always more than one way to handle a situation.
My apologies to Sasha and anyone else for any implication that I felt they were in any way at fault in this matter. Sure, Vlk’s right that we have to start out at least trying to help anyone with avast problems regardless of their behavior – but there is also frequently a point at which it becomes obvious that they don’t really want help, just a fight. At some point (and we may well disagree on how far along) we have to agree that it’s a hopeless situation and the only practical approach from then on is to simply ignore the person.
The thread Vlk linked to, and which Sasha referred to, was indeed the one that prompted me to start this topic in the first place. While the person started out with what was (possibly) an avast! problem, it very quickly became apparent that the person had no intention whatsoever of following anyone else’s rules or guidelines in this forum.
While I don’t think the specific issues regarding graphics (both content and size) are specifically spelled out here anywhere, at least not “officially”, a number of members like Sasha tried – with unfortunate results – to point out what we’ve generally and informally accepted as standards here.
Too bad YaBB doesn’t have an Ignore List (or at least not that’s activated here), that probably would have been the simplest way for most of us to have handled things. If someone gets abusive in almost any kind of chat format, after all, you almost always have the option to “mute” or “ignore” them.
Too bad YaBB doesn't have an Ignore List (or at least not that's activated here), that probably would have been the simplest way for most of us to have handled things. If someone gets abusive in almost any kind of chat format, after all, you almost always have the option to "mute" or "ignore" them.
If that where possible, it sure would make life simple then we each have our own point at which we can decide we've had enough abuse and cut that person off. Hopefully, if this is possible, there would also be a way to reverse that action. We've had more than one person whom I would have cut off and they are now members in excellent standing.
Nor was I calling you one bob. My statement was general
KezzerDrix, I know that and it was taken that way.
there is always more than one way to handle a situation.
Most of the time that is true bob, but not always, violence just has to happen sometimes, or people get out of hand.
I never use violence as my first course of action, but it just has to be used sometimes, like in protecting your family and freinds.
My philosoghy is just a little different. That phraze sould be:
but it just may have to be used sometimes.
I don't advocate violence and will always attempt a peaceful solution if possible.
I also don't condone couardice and if there is no other choice, will fight like hell.
Hopefully that makes my position clear.
By answering or challenging an attacker, we only allow them to win. I realize that it's never easy to walk away when you have been falsely accused.
You shouldn’t just walk away, you should just stand up for yourself, otherwise people will take advantage of you, its doesn’t have to invole violence, but don’t let them win.
Try to learn before teach… I learned a lot here 8)
This will be truth in all cases if the technical team be here more frequently… Sometimes we, who do not know a lot, just try to help and things could be worse… Sometimes, the only ones who try to help and solve the problems are the users. We try to do our best because we like avast, we trust each other feelings and fidelity, friendship and so on… Sorry if sometimes, trying to help, we (or at least I) make the things harder
Go figure ? I don’t think so… it’s this simple… read this… everything could ended in nice and cultural way, just like this:
Me: Could you please shrink your avatar ? It’s a way too big for these forums. We all agreed to have smaller avatars…
Him: No problem, I’ll modify my profile and set smaller one as my avatar.
Me: Thanks !
Go figure who broke the chain of pleasant conversation… I think it stoped after my first line… there is nothing like second line in his real reply. That tells us who stoped having normal conversation and started to flame…
In my humble opinion, again ONLY MY OPINION. I feel that the dude in “Craftec”'s case should have been given a stern warning and then the thread should have been closed. Craftec even made the dude a smaller more appropriate Avatar.
No Staind, your avatar is not much larger than some unofficial forum-avatar-size, so it can be used without any interfering with forum rules… it would be great if it can be 100x100 or smaller, but 120 and something is nothing comparing almost 200x200 pixels from above mentioned thread…