Forum buttons missing

I have this a while already, just never got to it to ask. All the buttons on the forum appear as boxes with red x’s in them. When I look at the properties and try to load the pics in the browser, I don’t get them either… is one of them… Do they exists? Or is it my problem somehow?


They exist (at least for me for English buttons), but the link you gave is a 404 error, so perhaps there is a problem with the dutch image button/s - I did a quick edit of the url you gave and this one works so it would appear to be a problem with the Dutch image folder.

That was my guess also. I could not find a way to set my profile to english to test however…

I hope the forum admins can fix things.


Installation of YabbSE had more languages and you set your own to dutch. This installation of SMF has only english language, but while upgrading, it left there ‘Dutch’ in your language setting. Since there is only one language installed, you can’t select it. Yeah, I know it’s kind of Catch 22.

I did some mumbo-jumbo and set your profile to ‘English’.

Thanks. Things look great now!
