Forum information, recommendations and few rules

  • Follow the usual netiquette.
  • Avast employees are in the Avast team group (Administrators, Global Moderators and Moderators are also Avast team).
  • Never ever try to look like or act as Avast employee if you are not.
  • Do not harm by advice - especially in virus removal threads advice only if you know what will be the result.
  • Suggested maximal display name length is 12 characters, longer names should include space, otherwise they’ll be changed to include it.
  • Do not use vulgarities in your forum nickname.
  • Antispam plugin is installed, some posts may be automatically suspended to be approved by moderator.
  • Some options and functions are allowed only after 20 posts on the forum.
  • Attached is table of current forum groups and ranks and table of warning levels.

Well, this topic can cause some newbies to post like a REAL bot to climb up the ladder of ranks. Just my point of view of course.

I guess the Administrator, avast! Überevangelist and Global Moderator may have to watch the users behaver when posting, because I know for a fact that some users are trying to climb the rank as quickly as they can. I’m sure we all had this conversation before to stop user from reaching the avast! Evangelist rank, unless agreed by Administrator, avast! Überevangelist and Global Moderator only.

Well, this is in some way irrelevant now because the post count and other titles are separate…so it doesn’t really matter how much you post…the content is the important bit.

Updated first post

Isn’t it a little funny that a “skin designer” gets no icon at all? :wink:

Translators and Beta Testers as well, according to the picture. :wink:

Personally I don’t understand why beta tester is even there, they are after all avast users and forum members, in which their normal forums rankings would apply. Or you could have multiple icons.

It’s not so much about the icons, but about permissions. It doesn’t really hurt they are there, for whichever use they want to give to them (maybe in the future). Resellers could have their own section, as an example. It’s the same with the “Polymorphic Sheep” group. Who knows why one forum member would use it instead of other Groups? But there it is, and probably they know why they want it.

My apologies to Chocholo, as he would probable like this topic clean.

Beta Tester is just a test of “freely joinable” group, maybe it’ll get deleted.
Polymorphic sheep is well, Rejzor :slight_smile:

If somebody was to leave a group would they be able to rejoin it anytime they want?

You mean the Beta group? Yep, it is possible to freely join/unjoin at any time.

One thing is to leave a group. Another one is to be part of more than one group, while one of those groups is set to be the Main (or Primary) Group for that specific user.

You can change your primary group (and then go back again to the first one) as many times you want, as long as you are still part of those groups (i.e. you didn’t “leave” the group by yourself, or the mods didn’t “kicked you out” from it).

While I can understand the need/desire to keep some functions away from people who have only recently joined, the 20 post minimum before a new forumite can edit his profile/signature doesn’t seem to ‘newby friendly’, and as Chris already stated, can ‘encourage’ users to make useless posts just to get to certain benchmarks/tags.

Correct BUT it goes a long way to preventing spam links in signatures being seeded and most admins are faced with the stark choice of spam annoying their members and also using up bandwidth or prevention and some people being upset. Manually vetting new posters on a forum this busy is just not feasible.

Evangelists and moderators are also “just” community members , lots of folk could have muliple titles that’s the way forums work.

Moderators are avast team staff.

Hello, I registered yesterday because, like many, I have problems with the last update of avast. I do not speak or write English, but I understand enough reading.
Before I thought the Google translator, a gentle oldest member helped me, saying to ask any other questions via PM, and today I found a message on my profile box.
I can not answer, and because I do not see the mail icon under his name, and because I can not find the response function to the message in my inbox.
I also tried to write a new message, instead of an answer, but it says that “not enabled” for this function.
How do I do? I’m sorry not to respond to Tetsuo, since it has proved so helpful and courteous.
Moreover, I would also ask some further explanation (in Italian) on the difficulties with the update of Avast 7, because the Italian section of the site is still very active, and I have not found the answer I seek.
It 's urgent, are now four days that Avast does not update virus definitions or neither program.
Can anyone help me?
Thanks and hello to everyone.
(Translated by Google)

The PM function isn’t available until you have 20 posts, this is an anti spam measure to prevent misuse of the PM function by spammers. Unfortunately that effects legitimate new users.

Essentially when you need help it should be done through the forums as PMs are a 1 to 1 communication which doesn’t help others who might have the same problem.

I changed my name for a while even though I don’t like change… I will keep my forum name without the “cp” part for a while. If i decide to change just know I might do that any time if i decide ;D