Forum notifications don't work anymore

I’ve just noticed that for (at least) 1 day, I’m no longer receiving the notifications I subscribed to in my profile.

Is this a problem just for me or for everyone?

I haven’t noticed this (excuse the terrible pun), in relation to my Profile settings.

Generally I just use the ‘Show new replies to your posts.’ at the top of the forum pages to display those topics I have posted in.

I generally don’t use the Notify button at the bottom of the topic I have posted in. But I will try that and see if I get a notification when you reply.

30 minutes later, I still haven’t received notification of your message and I’m still subscribed to the topic: there’s an “unsubscribe” button.

it could also be that my address provider is blocking Avast WEBforum emails :-[

(nothing in my spam either)

It’s been happening to me the last few months. Then, suddenly it starts working again, then stops. I think someone’s tinkering with the servers, again. :wink:

I didn’t see any notification either, but the button at the bottom has an UNNOTIFY button, which I’m about to enable again.

Personally I don’t really worry about this issue as I use the Show new replies to your posts. option at the top of the page.

If (for now) you have an “unnotify” button, you should be notified… if you click on it, you should no longer be notified, no?

I had it because I had checked the Notify button to see if I got a notifications. I didn’t, so I set it back to my default by clicking the UNNOTIFY button.

I just received this afternoon a notification sent on November 14 (3 days later ::)), so I’m more likely to think that my provider is filtering rather than an issue with the avast forum.

edit:All notifications (i think) have just been sent, including yesterday’s here

Well I just got a Notification email, which is very unusual for me, given that I UnNotified previously.

So it looks like or could be a backlog is being cleared.

once again, the notifications that should have reached me 2 days ago … have not. :-[

I have just enabled Notify to new posts/replies again in this topic, lets see I get a notification if someone replies.

I got three emails today so it doesn’t seem to be affecting me right now. :slight_smile:

I got an email notification of Lano’s post, so working for me also.

strange, no notification emails received, yours included

Just got notification yours when I got back home.
I’m just wondering if there isn’t something blocking it. As you suggested before “so I’m more likely to think that my provider is filtering rather than an issue with the avast forum.”

I’m using bog standard ISP’s POP3/SMTP email and MailWasher Pro and Thunderbird.

There’s a good chance that it’s my provider (free), which is notorious for blacklisting a little too easily.

I’ve just seen on my provider’s forum that this is the case at the moment.

Hopefully you may get closer to a resolution.

1-I changed my main e-mail address for my avast account, which had the effect of changing the forum connection e-mail address and therefore also the address for notifications, it’s now a gmail address … which seems to rule out a problem with my e-mail provider

2-I changed my IP address and DNS

3-I deleted cache, cookies, …

4-I removed all the topics/sections I had subscribed to before adding again.
(we can see from my screenshot that there’s news in “Avast Free Antivirus / Premium Security (legacy Pro Antivirus, Internet Security, Premier)”, but 10 minutes later there’s still no notification. )

but I still don’t receive notifications for the topics/sections I’ve subscribed to.

Couldn’t a forum administrator tell me what’s wrong?

I do receive e-mails from “” , but not from (only) “”.

Well I got the notification for your new post, I use an email from my ISPs domain and check my emails via MailWasher Pro (cull any chaff/spam) and download the remainder on Thunderbird.

So I’m only using SMTP mail and not webmail, don’t know if that would make any difference though.

Small improvement

I did receive instant notification of your message according to “Current notifications for the topic”. (this was not the case before the email address was changed)

On the other hand, I haven’t received any “Current section notifications”, even though there have been new messages since then.

I mainly use thunderbird (POP accounts) and I sometimes check webmail to see if messages aren’t stuck in SPAM.