I need help with a registration problem and can’t seem to find a way to contact anyone directly, so I am posting this topic in hopes of contacting an administrator.
Perhaps if you state your problem one of them will be able to post help for you. Otherwise, how can they help?
To direct communication (IM), you need to have, at least, 20 posts here.
Sorry it took so long to get back to this. Other things were taking up my time. As to my specific problem, I originally tried to register for this forum using my home email address. The process seemed to go fine, except I never received the verification email to activate my account. I requested numerous resends, but received none of them. And yes I checked my “spam” folder, but none of them went there. I was finally able to register using my work email address without any problems. Note that my home address contains a special character - an underscore (“_”) - while my work address contains only alpha-numeric characters. I really would prefer to use my home address rather than my work address for this forum. Just as an aside, the only other time I have had a similar problem was when I registered for the PC Tools forum. Is it possible PC Tools and Alwil use the same forum software and it is causing a problem?
The problem is almost certain;y down to an ISP blocking the emails with some kind of email spam filter and you aren’t even seeing the emails to filter them yourself in your own email.
This happens quite a lot and when it does we suggest trying another email address (usually suggest Yahoo free) and almost without fail gets through. What is your ISP and did you ask them if they filter email with an anti spam ?
My ISP is ATT Yahoo, and I check the the spam folder on a regular basis. I have been using this email address for 4 or 5 years and have only run into problems with 2 sites - the PC Tools forum and this forum. I really doubt the problem is my email address, as it works for every other commercial site I have used it on. It sounds more like a bug in the forum software that causes it to have problems with special characters in email addresses.
I doubt it is down to the Underscore many people use it in domain names and email addresses, if it were a special character then it wouldn’t be allowed when you create the email address.
There are some spam filters operated by ISPs where emails are deleted and never sent to any spam box, I have no experience of ATT Yahoo though. Did you try a different email address as suggested ?
As I stated in my May 13th reply, I was able to register using a different email address, but from a different machine, so the activation email didn’t go through ATT Yahoo. To my knowledge, I have never had an email just “thrown on the floor” by ATT, so it is unlikely that is the cause.