found evidences of a virus/malware not detected by avast

Hi there !

I found evidences of something strange happening in my windows 10:
In every disk (C: E; and F:) there are hidden folders with unexpected files.
They are unexpected because I don’t create folders in the root of FS.
Also, the folders have random names and the files have unsuspected names, excepted my language is Portuguese and commercial, common file names in English are unlike.
I discovered it just after an install of a new drive (F). Just after formatting the disk, the folders and files are there, like magic, I mean, I am sure I didn’t created anything, anywhere after formating.

The screenshots of those folders follow.

Booting the computer in Linux, I found the files are not what they say they are: The jpg is not an image, the TXT files are binary data, etc.

Do you have knowledge of it ?
How can I make a formal report of it ?

best regards,

Have you installed a Antiransomware tool ? Like Cybereason RansomFree ?

Suspicious files can be uploaded and tested here > / /

if you see file as scanned before, always click rescan for a fresh result

You may post link to scan result here

Yes, I did !!!
Oh my ! Now I remember it warned me that it will create some files to monitoring it!

I am so sorrry. I am felling stupid right now.

sorry for the false alarm.

:wink: >>