Foxit claiming Avast virus definition error

Was notified by Windows problems and solutions that Foxit Reader had stopped worked and to update. OK. Tried to but now you have to download the Ask Toolbar as well, no choices here. Knowing that any toolbar should flag suspicion (especially Ask) I had a look at their Technical FAQ. They claim that it is OK to install Foxit Reader and any warnings from Avast are due to Avast having a virus definition error.
As well as this Foxit seems to have been removed from The Mozilla Community. I wondering if have they went to the darkside (spreading malware).
Thinking of finding another Mozilla pdf reader add-on.

Adobe…? :wink:
But for security i would not recommend reading pdf inline. It’s leaking.

The error isn’t in avast definitions… “Ask” is adware.
But, as far I know, you can install (or remove) Ask and use only Foxit.

I use Foxit Reader V and love it…but do not have “Foxit Phantom PDF Suite”, whatever that is.

I too use FoxIt PDF reader and no problems with avast, but I make sure I don’t install the ASK toolbar (I hate toolbars anyway), this is certainly a toolbar that you can do without, the major issue with toolbars like this is that they can gather marketing information or targeted ads based on your searches.

Huh…?? Just followed the link.
It refers to AVG, so the OP may be wrong in this forum. ;D

Good catch, Asyn. I didn’t really pay attention to that small/large…take your pick, detail. ::slight_smile:

I don’t think it is a good catch so much, given that the OP used the word avast a couple of times in the post. I think the case is that the link just supports the detection of the ASK toolbar and just so happens to have been avg that detected it in that instance.

Only the OP can bring clarity into this… :wink:
Let’s see if he/she posts back.

Looks to me like the OP misread Foxit’s FAQ. But the question was about Foxit Reader and that was well answered, so this forum is as good as any (only better). :wink:

Case closed. :wink: