I’ve been using following Firefox add-on for a year along with paid version of avast! Internet Security without any issue, but since the last update of virus definitions avast! has started thinking that it’s a virus: https://addons.mozilla.org/en-US/firefox/addon/anonymox/
I consider myself an advanced user, it’s been almost 6 years since my PC caught a virus. I haven’t installed any new program in the last 3 months or connected a jump drive to my PC. Once I disable the aforementioned add-on avast! goes about its business. With avast! disabled, and the add-on enabled, Malwarebytes doesn’t find anything unusual with my PC.
The add-on is important to me, and I believe it’s a FP on avast’s part. Please solve the issue.
as far as our users reported, a URL was flagged by avast, which you can see in the message you are probably getting. I reported this as fp, hoping to hear back soon.
Google also detects script from insecure sources there, see warning here: https://forum.avast.com/index.php?topic=100964.0
IDS alerts for same IP as add-on IP: ssp_ssl: Invalid Client HELLO after Server HELLO Detected http://urlquery.net/report.php?id=56773 Best policy is to suppress the specific alerts in the network stack *
error connecting php
= $alert_dbname : MySQL database name where the alerts are stored *
= $alert_host : host where the database is stored
= $alert_port : port where the database is stored
= $alert_user : username into the database
= $alert_password : password for the username
I reported this case two days ago with no reply. Shall I query again, do I have to send all affected users a link to the contact form or is the response time that long?
The domain nor the IP is not blocked. Look into “c:\ProgramData\AVAST Software\Avast\log\nshield.log” and there should be line containing blocked URL and the corresponding IP.
The domain nor the IP is not blocked. Look into "c:\ProgramData\AVAST Software\Avast\log\nshield.log" and there should be line containing blocked URL and the corresponding IP.