FP problem - Etxt antiplagiat

Today many avast users complain about our program http://www.etxt.ru/downloads/etxt_antiplagiat.zip - antivirus doesn’t allow to download and install it.
Please check it and correct this behavior.

Other antiviruses didn’t find anything:


You can report it here https://support.avast.com


IP history https://www.virustotal.com/en/ip-address/

It is detecting the msi part of the programme as a Trojan dropper … so that is the one to submit as the false positive

I see many blacklisted external links to htxps://counter.yadro.ru → http://quttera.com/detailed_report/www.etxt.ru
Blacklist status: http://labs.sucuri.net/?details=counter.yadro.ru because of pop-up ads,
see also: https://www.mywot.com/en/scorecard/counter.yadro.ru?utm_source=addon&utm_content=popup


Hi Polonus,

Just curious, have you seen the new “hover to expand” ads? Many users hover over them and it later expands into a pop-up box.


thanks, I have reported to https://support.avast.com