Hi everyone !
(I’m French, And … I’ve a bad English, Sorry…)
Since the day before yesterday, Avast detect Trojan horse on my website ( http://www.newlifebobba.fr/ ) And i don’t now why.
I think some players report the website, or a new script (We just changed the login page).
Please, Help me for this problem, Avast don’t help me.
thank you for your quick answer
could tell me why your system block my users?
You tell me tou don’t have any alert from my website, but my users can’t logg on cause AVAST bloks them each time they try to load the schockware system they need to use my website since yesterday.
Yesterday mornig, loggings were ok.
since yesterday evening, we have this problem.
we didn’t change anything. the only changement was your update.
why it worked before your update, and stopted to do after you did it?
You do not have to change anything on your web site. Hackers can do that for you.
That is why I asked you if you had checked the login process of your web site. Have you checked it yet?
Of course, it could be a false positive by avast. Someone (you or one of your users) will have to send in a report to avast for it to be checked for a false positive. This can be done through the avast GUI.
Report 2011-02-26 17:40:03 (GMT 1)
Website newlifebobba.fr
Domain Hash 04369cf87d0d7d38cfce4e7b66f40085
IP Address [SCAN]
IP Hostname customer.worldstream.nl
IP Country NL (Netherlands)
AS Number 49981
Detections 3 / 18 (17 %)
The problem for us ‘avast users’ in the forum, is we aren’t seeing the problem as we aren’t trying to log in as we aren’t registered/members at your web site. So we physically can’t access the areas that your users are reporting as a problem.
Interestingly when I tried to visit your site I got a WOT notification, http://www.mywot.com/en/scorecard/newlifebobba.fr One of the comments is recent and also relates to JAVA Virus. Whilst WOT isn’t the most reliable reputational database it does seem related. So any images of the alert would be helpful.
we looked at your forum.avast.com. You ask to look at mywot.com website. We have some bad evaluations.
could I understand anybody can make any comment he wish and you block wesite without any verifications from your services? this way, I could say AVAST gave me a virus and You block your own website?
You talk about a virus from JAVA, but we DON’T use itat all.
thanks by advence for your quick answer and to unblock my website in a really short time. If you don’t do, I’ll call to may advocates about diffamation and to have some indemnification you caused
Avast does not use WOT for it’s blocking. These are individual users who are using WOT.
I suggested to you above the proper thing to do. So, it is up to you or one of your users to do so.
Of course, it could be a false positive by avast. Someone (you or one of your users) will have to send in a report to avast for it to be checked for a false positive. This can be done through the avast GUI.
You do not have to use JAVA but a HACKER might use JAVA on your web site.
The blocked page is the externals vars.
He contains :
badge_desc_FR018=Anime les jeux sponsos
badge_name_FR019=Roller et manette
badge_desc_FR019=Gagne aux jeux sponsos
badge_name_FR020=Renne et sapin
badge_desc_FR020= Gagne aux jeux sponsos
badge_name_FR021=W.C. et canard
badge_desc_FR021=Gagne aux jeux sponsos
badge_name_FR022=Tabouret et caisse
badge_desc_FR022=Gagne aux jeux sponsos
furni_env_grass_desc=Toujours plus verte ailleurs…
furni_hween09_floor_desc=Les lattes grincent ! :o
wallitem_hween09_curt_name=Rideaux fantomes
wallitem_hween09_curt_desc=Idéal pour vos manoirs hantés !
wallitem_hween09_wall1_name=Pan de mur de manoir
wallitem_hween09_wall1_desc=Il sent le moisi.
wallitem_hween09_crnr1_name=Angle de manoir
wallitem_hween09_crnr1_desc=Il sent le moisi.
furni_country_rain_desc=Sort ton parapluie
furni_country_scarecrow_desc=Avant, il était vivant.
wallitem_country_wall_name=Porte campagnarde
wallitem_country_wall_desc=Ferme-là !
furni_eco_mush2_name=Amanite tue-mouches
furni_eco_mush2_desc=Toxique !
furni_ads_grefusa_cactus_name=Cactus a chapeau
furni_ads_grefusa_cactus_desc=Il s’apelle Henri !
furni_env_tree4_name=Arbre des 4 sasions
furni_env_tree4_desc=Renouvèle l’oxygène !
walltiem_party_lights_desc=On dirait de la neige ! :o
furni_hween09_chair_name=Chaise majestueuse
furni_hween09_chair_desc=On se sens majestueux
furni_party_lantern_name=Lanterne chinoise
furni_party_lantern_desc=Douce lumière pour éclairer douce nuits
furni_country_well_desc=Des voix en proviennent ! :o
furni_bumps_lights_name=Feu rouge
furni_bumps_lights_desc=On attend qu’il soit vert !
badge_name_GFS=Coeurs multicolores
badge_desc_GFS=Effet arc-en-ciel garanti
badge_name_GUI=Carte coeur |
badge_desc_GUI=Pioche l'As !