I’ll get a look as I haven’t heard about it… But by Google search it seems to be well known… Seems there are two versions of it and on is for free. I think I’ll wait for more replies as my Foxie is equipped with old good tested Netcraft, and I don’t want to get burned…
Pros: its a good idea, tries what is says, and short of a tracking cookie or two it adds everytime a browser is open, it is adware, spyware free, but…
Cons: adds too much ***** to your registry, it takes you to its homepage when you open firefox, it adds a cookie everytime a browser is open, hides in the registy so the uninstall does not work, unless you know how to edit your registy, this product sucks. constant popups after a while to download or upgrade to the pro version, error messeges with IE, service pack 2 with XP does not like this program, nor do i and would not recommend it anyone, waste of space and time!
If my memory serves me right, there was a new monitoring program introduced to this forum
not to long ago and it was strenuously objected to even though it contained no ad-ware/spy-ware
was totally free, cause no pop-ups, when un-installed totally removed itself from your system.
Seems to me, that if the program I just described was rejected, this program should most definitely
be tossed out and never mentioned again. ;D
I purposely mentioned no names but I’m pretty sure those involved in the controversy will know which program
I’m referring to.
That was a quick review, and good thing too, I always ask before contemplaiing adding something. So not for me too. And another one bites the dust. Oh, well, put rd.yahoo.com in your hosts file. I have it there. And another question what does " “@mozilla.org/startuplistener; 1” do? Is it java driven?
And again =YLAP= thanks for the reply?
I review my opinion about Arovax Shield (http://www.arovaxshield.com/).
The controversy is just superated by me. It’s working well, uses very little resources, does what it’s intended to do.
Comparing with PrevX, it’s not that ‘strong’ but not that buggy and problematic as PrevX uses to be with common users.
Comparing with other antispyware monitors, it does different things than TeaTimer and, for me, does very better than Microsoft Antispyware (the registry and startup monitor). When I was infected by a Trojan last week, MS Antispyware shield was updated and working… It detected nothing