In the body of the email indicate the link but the real link
http: // … etc … …
Please the Avast team to check such action or confirm whether the email is real or not.
Thank you.
p.s. I have send You with the email that i saved. The password of the zip file is “virus”, the name of the file is “Reminder_ Avast Forum Password”.
Yes, I received that same email yesterday asking me to change my password.
It all seems a bit phishy to me.
Don’t intend to start responding to links in emails, never have, never will.
The email is legit. If you don’t want to use the link, sign in manually.
As you said, that’s always the safer thing to do.
Changing ones password every once in a while is also a good thing.
biggest worry about those password managers is that if anything happens to my pc and i had to whipe clean i would lose all those passwords and be locked out of every site i use it for. plus all my most important accounts for things (like my email, steam, paypal, etc) all use a text msg authentication/authentication key so they should be safe unless theres a way for people to bypass this without access to my phone.
biggest worry about those password managers is that if anything happens to my pc and i had to whipe clean i would lose all those passwords and be locked out of every site i use it for
Ink and paper still work so you can always have a written backup, a word doc print may also work :)
well my most important things use a totally different and very long password (with both caps and mumbers mixed in) to the ones i use for messageboards and other minor sites. plus all my important sites use a 2 step authentication using my phone. i should be able to recover my passwords on any other account through my email. so only issue is if someone get ahold of my phone (which never leaves the house), or if theres a way for hackers to bypass the 2step authentication.
i have very little online presence when it somes to things like social media so theres not much anyone can do there.
i dont really trust anything on the cloud as when all said and done its just someone elses computer
This (password storage and recovery) really is only a very small part of what a backup and recovery strategy is about.
I use hard disk imaging software (there are many solutions out there) and it makes an exact image of what is on a partition or hard drive. Theses drive images can be stored on a second hard drive, be that internal or external source.
I do a disk image backup every week and keep copies of the last 6 backups. If I experience a problem that is likely to take me longer to resolve that restoring the last image backup, then I restore the image.
well i store very little on my OS hard drive and a format of my pc and a full install of everything only takes about half an hour at most. All my important documents and other files (such as drivers and programs for after a fresh windows install) are stored on an external hard drives which i only connect when needed and USB flash drives.