received in in box message addressed from Avast! forum stating urgent message < when opened it had messages that referred to porn and inappropriate sites, just wanted you to know,unfortunately, without thinking I deleted it from mailbox
It was an old story…
Anyway, welcome to forums 8)
Looks like you don’t read your email very frequently something over three weeks ago there was a Spamming incident using the PM function on the forums (currently disabled). Your settings has an option to receive email notification if you are sent a PM, the notification also contained the contents of the PM you were sent by the spammer.
See this official apology (in the link given by Tech) and the initial steps taken to stop it happening again, note these have currently been taken further with the cessation of PM function for the time being.
OK , thanks and no I don’t access my email often , but I intend to read the forums more often. :-[
Yeah, you could learn and have a lot of fun 8)