Free Anti-Virus 7 is not work with Google Chrome

I think Bob3160 is saying, can you try Chrome in ‘safe mode’ (safe mode for the browser) or equivalent? (Not safe mode for Windows). What happens? Safe mode for the browser will temporarily disable all your extensions, after which you can re-enable one at a time, restart the browser, to find the possible culprit.

Unfortunately Chrome doesn’t have a Safe Mode like Firefox. There are line commands but not something to fool with for the average user.
To turn off each extension you have installed for testing purposes and then turn them back on after your test is completed.

If none of your extensions are set to run incognito, then you could try running the browser incognito thereby bypassing all extensions.

on one pc cannot even get to tools>extensions – just an hourglass.

on another could get to tools>extensions and disabled all, restarted, and still any URL access is just an hourglass.

what can i try next?

thx all!

on one of these PCs i uninstalled avast, installed avg, and when avg is active chrome does not work (again). so this does appear to not be an avast issue. it’s chrome or something else effecting chrome. the search continues for root cause and resolution, but that is likely not pertinent to this forum anymore. thank you.

Only one Anti Virus program on a system. Remove the one you don’t want and make sure you use the removal tool.

How do I remove old third-party antivirus software before installing avast!?
Click on this link, find your current Antivirus Program and follow their instructions.
[b][font=arial] The removal tool for avast! Antivirus (should you ever need it) :[/b][/font]

yes, for my test avast was removed first, then avg installed, and chrome still misbehaved.

i’ve taken this issue over to google on!category-topic/chrome/windows/T1OhIM6PrGM[1-25] – also, check out!msg/chrome/_4Lg7K9ayl4/TcATZ_5VgOcJ[1-25] where google indicated there are several root causes, once of which was a bug (supposedly fixed) in avast, although i’ve not seen a new engine from avast during this period.