free Avast 5 web shield blocking internet connection - Problem solved

I downloaded Free Avast 5. I can surf the web for a while and then my internet connection is blocked by web shield. When I turn the web shield off I get my connection back. When I go to turn the web shield back on it will not turn on. I have reinstalled free Avast 5 but did not help.

Which version of avast are you using?
Tell us about your system…

What is your firewall ?
Does it allow avastSvc.exe internet access ?

  • If it does delete the entry for it and reconnect to the internet, this should force the firewall to ask permission again.

Have (or did) you another Anti-Virus installed in this system, if so what was it and how did you get rid of it ?

I am using Avast Free 5.0507, my system is Vista Home Premium

My firewall is zone alarm. It does allow avastSvc.exe and I did delete the entry but I am still having the problem. I did not have another Anti-Virus installed. I have only used Avast.

Did you have avast 4.8 previously installed ?

Yes I had Avast 4.8. I removed it first and then downloaded Free Avast 5

Is your vista up to date? (latest sp, all updates)
Also, some user reported problems with ZA…

Did you use this?

yes, my vista is up to date and I did use the avast uninstall-utility.

You won’t try to drop ZA, i guess…? :wink:

Yes, I would try a different firewall.

Nice. :slight_smile: Could you please post back, if it fixes your problem…!??

I changed my firewall and it corrected the problem. Thank you for your help.

You’re very welcome…!! :slight_smile:
Maybe you edit your original post and put a ‘Solved’ in the topic/subject…?!

ZoneAlarm is terrible. No one would use it if it weren’t free. I am a technician, and every time I see ZA it is either blocking legitimate activity or freezing the entire computer. Just horrible code.

Totally agree… ;D

I am also having this problem. I am not using ZA (on this machine anyway). Just Windows Firewall and Avast is blocking web access (even google) with Firewall turned off.

I am using Avast Free, version 5.0.507, and Windows XP SP2. This just started happening a couple of days ago.

p.s. what firewall would you recommend?


What did you do when this happened? Did you install something?
If you are on a 32bit XP, you should update your OS to XP SP3.

FUD! ZoneAlarm is a very good firewall. It doesn’t freeze computers or block legitimate activity.

You have something wrong with your computer! Check to see if any of your softwares are conflicting.