FREE avast av

in 7 days my FREE version is set to EXPIRE. doe not FREE really mean FREE INDEFINATELY? what happens in 7 days. AV stops working? required to upgrade to a PAID version? if yes that is BAIT AND SWITCH! details please.

What Avast program are you using, Avast for Windows, Avast for Android (Mobile) or Avast for Mac (there are different sub-forums for each) ?

I have been using Avast Free for windows for over 15 years, so yes it has been free all of that time.

If Avast for Windows with 7 days to go the User Interface should already have changed to support Activation.

I suspect OP is using Avast! for Desktop (PC). The thing they probably missed is they need to input his/her’s email for activation for a year.


This means: you have to registrate this program-version again, for it’s only active at least 1 year.