Free Avast Corrupts IE Browser

I didn’t see this discussed…sorry if I missed it.

I’m currently running program 2014.9.0.2008. I recently upgraded the program but found that my IE 10 browser windows were corrupt…boxes didn’t display, some of the graphics were pixelized…several websites that I usually visit were this way. Some webpages wouldn’t load. I’m running Win7. I restored to the setpoint prior to the upgrade, now everything is fine.

I’ve never had this happen before…have been using Avast a number of years. Any idea what’s going on?


Why are you on such an old version ??? the current is 2014.9.0.2013, if you still get any browser problems after installing the latest version try removing the browser protection module " AOS " avast online security.

I didn’t think this was such an old version. Doesn’t the leading “2014” indicate it is this year?? I’ve been upgrading whenever prompted. Again, this hasn’t happened before…why now?


Your version listed there came out mid last year 2013, 2015 will be release later this year.

I don’t know why it hasn’t played up before, maybe it doesn’t like the recent windows updates :-\ best to install the latest version anyway and then see if you still have problems

When I go to the Avast control panel and click on update for the program, it says that 2014.9.0.2013 is available. That is what I upgraded to yesterday only to have my browser windows corrupted. I went backwards to the set point, leaving me at 2014.9.0.2008.

Your link takes me to the discussion of 9.0.2013 which, I thought, I had already tried. Are there intermediate upgrades between .2008 and .2013 that I should have done first?


You can update straight to the latest version, download from the link I supplied and choose custom install then untick the browser protection ( AOS ) as that is more than likely the problem, it messes up some of my webpages in IE11 as well.

Upgraded to 2014 through Avast link a few days ago on the review in PC Pro, weird crashes/effects on IE browser, went back to 2013.

Well that didn’t work either!!! I went to your link and selected the free antivirus link in the first post and got the same thing…even unchecked the browser protection. My browser windows were corrupted and pages didn’t load. I had to go back to the prior restore point.

I’m kind of stuck. If this can’t be resolved, I guess my only choice is to move to another AV program. :-\


Very strange! is there any other security software installed? if there is no other security that might conflict then I would suggest doing a clean install by uninstalling your current version then reboot and run the avastclear tool which will automatically reboot the system to safe mode when run, make sure to run the tool for all versions of avast ever installed.

Once that is completed and rebooted back to normal mode then go forward with doing a custom install of the latest version.

No other AV programs that I’m aware of. As I said, I’ve been a using of Avast for 3-4 years now and have gone through several upgrades without a single problem.

Hmmm…sounds like a lot of hassle…I’m not all that comfortable with these types of things. Safe mode…uninstall critical programs…clearing tools. I’m OK with computers for the normal operations, but I’ll have to think about that.


The tool is pretty automated, you just choose the version to be cleaned via the dropdown tab and away it goes, once completed install the new version.

I was having this issue with the previous update, missing parts of pages, pixelated images, pages that wouldn’t load. Along with this problem I was getting an occasional BSOD when connected to my router webpage, which was also displaying with corruption. At first I thought it was the router as the ISP had recently put out a firmware update, but after typing up a very angry message to them I thought to disable Avast, problem solved. Clean installs of Avast and using the avastclear tool did not help. Same problems on IE11 and Chrome.
Turns out it was the new Web Shield acting up. I had to add


to the webshield.ini as mentioned by a moderator here and all my problems were fixed, despite that fix being for another problem entirely.

I’m sorry to hear people are suffering from the same/similar problems. I’m refusing to update Avast again until I know this has been fixed, an AV shouldn’t be causing issues with basic functionality and shouldn’t be crashing properly configured systems.

Now I have to go and check why a realitve’s Avast update has stopped all of their facebook games from working

Thanks…I feel the same way. A simple update shouldn’t do these kinds of things to my machine.


LOL. You could always switch to a decent browser.

Have you checked your IE Add-ons to ensure that avast! Online Security is not enabled?

Not sure who this is directed to. But Craig suggested that I untick the AOS box during a custom install. That didn’t work. If that’s what you’re referring to…

OK…I’ve found the place to “Manage Add-ons”. Most are disabled, but a few are enabled. What do I do to “ensure that avast! Online Security is not enabled”…what does that mean?


Directed to you. Avast installs the Add-on, not you.

Humour me. Just do it.

Open IE > Tools > Manage Add-ons

Are there any lines there for “avast! Online Security?” If so, is the status “Enabled” or “Disabled”? If it is “Enabled” change it to “Disabled”. Right click anywhere on the entry and select “Disable” from the drop menu.

Then close and restart your browser and see if your problem persists.

If the status is “Disabled” or the entry is not there, then that’s not the problem, and I’ll butt out.

If the OP has Unchecked “Browser Protection” during Custom Install as Craigb directed, there will be no Avast Online Security listed in the Add-ons. :slight_smile:



Have you tried resetting Internet Explorer to default?

No…I’ve just now read about it. It says “Resetting Internet Explorer isn’t reversible, and all previous settings are lost after the reset.” It’s not clear what sort of personal settings will be lost in doing that. It also says:

“Note Select the Delete personal settings check box if you also want to remove browsing history, search providers, Accelerators, home pages, Tracking Protection, and ActiveX Filtering data.”

So, it appears that I would be able to save some things after the reset.
