'free' Avast Home not free anymore?

I downloaded Avast Version 4.1 Home Edition a few days ago. I chose Avast because it said it was free. Now it says this is a demo version and I have a total of 60 days to use it. Is this a mistake, or is Avast Home no longer really free?


It’s free but you still have to register for it… After 60 days you probably will have to register for it again… Don’t worry, they won’t hound you…

I’m trialing the Pro version… My attituide is that if I use someone’s product, I should compensate them in some small way… eventually…

So far, Avast has FAR EXCEEDED MY EXPECTATIONS! :smiley:

The registration key you’ll get after filling the form is valid for 14 month! So no need to re-register every two month, actually only less than once a year… :wink:

Vlk Y is it that the reg only last for 14 months? do we just re-regester again after that so we can continue to use the product…I too like avast greatly thinking about buying the pro edition, but just curious.

Will we have to regester the pro version a number of times too like the home?

Thanks -First_c

The Pro version is bought as subscription. The basic pricelist includes variants for 1, 2 and 3 years of subscription. Please refer to the Purchase section on www.avast.com .

BTW we’re giving two extra complimentary months worth of the subscription, so the keys you’d purchase are valid for 14, 26 and 38 months, respectively.

One other “sales pitch” (for the free home version, that is) which Vlk missed – if you read the “fine print” on-site and also look in the “about” part of your menu, you’ll see that your license is forever for use of the program itself, you only need to renew for continued access to upgrades/updates.

That’s something maybe the team should look at too, by the way – the wording’s a little vague, at least in English. It implies that license renewal might only be necessary for database/definitions updates, and it’s not clear what the status of program updates/upgrades is under the agreement. If license renewal is also necessary for access to program updates, perhaps that could be worded a little more clearly?

Certainly I’m one of its faithful admirers – where can I pick up my testimonial fee? ;D ;D

I believe the reason for regestering every 14 months, is for the vendors to know who is still running AVAST. Nothing more nothing less.

They like to have an overview on how many people are using or have used AVAST.

This information is always welcom to vendors.

They don’t ask much for a free ownage AV, don’t they ?


Dear friends,

there’re some good reasons to ask you to register:

  1. We should know the number of “active users” to plan the number and bandwith of our download/update servers. Nearly all active users and a lot of unregistered “trials” are updated in 4 hours - could you imagine the number of requests and bandwith - e.g. yesterday we sent over 40Mbits/sec in some moments.
  2. We like to know the origin of the user to find which language should be in the queu for translation.
  3. We like to know the E-mail to send the emergancy information. Usualy it’s used to inform users about the reregistering. But it can be used to inform about the important upgrade, which isn’t done automaticaly.
  4. We like to know, where do you find information about avast!

From this points you see, that we need this informations:

  1. E-mail - we don’t use it for spam, we don’t sell them
  2. Country of origin
  3. Source of information.

All other fields in reg. form are optional…

I believe that it’s a little bit more clear now.


That reminds me. My email address that I used to register the home version is obsolete. How do I change that or is it necessary?

Hi Culpeper,

you don’t need to do anything now. After your “update period” will nearly finish we’ll send the message to “your obsolete mailbox”. If the message won’t be delivered, we remove it or we remove it if the reregistering won’t come from this mail box after 14 months - this user will disapear from our database.
If you reregister with your new mailbox - new user will be included in our database. When you do it now - e.g. 8 months before the end of your license will finished - there will be two records about your avast!.
On the other side there are a number of user with more than one home computer which share the same license key - it’s OK, you can do it in this way.
Our database cannnot be very precise, but it bring us a good image of the number of users!

regards Eduard

Okay, thanks for the info. I’ll wait until my current registration starts to run out and register again with a new email address.