Free avast problems

I just recently replaced the motherboard on my old HP laptop. After doing so I reinstalled windows and finally reinstalled avast free. After about 4 or 5 minutes avast causes my CPU to peg out at 100%. It did not do this with the old motherboard. I tried every fix I could find in this forum and others to no avail. I later reinstalled windows 7 home premium in the laptop as this is what it came with. After installing Avast free it started up again with that 100% thing. Avast free does NOT do this with my main desktop or my newer Dell both running windows 10. The only way I could stop this was to reboot and uninstall Avast. There is something about this replacement motherboard that does not play nice with Avast. Right now I am using another AV program and it is NOT doing this to my CPU. I am at a loss on how to fix this. Right now I am leaning toward leaving it be. However, I like the Avast AV and this upsets me a bit!

  • Which version/build of Avast Free…?
  • OS…? (32/64 Bit…? - which SP/Build…?)
  • Other security related software installed…?
  • Which version/build of Avast Free…?--------I uninstalled and honestly don’t remember. However, I downloaded it directly from the avast website!
  • OS…? (32/64 Bit…? - which SP/Build…?)----Both windows 10 20H2 and 7 Home Premium SP1 both 64 bit
  • Other security related software installed…?-- Nothing except what windows installs with after a fresh install.

Let me repeat this. Avast DID NOT DO THIS on the old motherboard! After replacing the motherboard I installed windows 10 with no issues until I installed avast free. I even let the laptop sit for 3 hours to see if it would settle down, it did not! Because I wanted to restore the laptop to an out-of-the-box condition I installed windows 7 SP1 and discovered avast free did the same thing in that OS. I currently have another free AV on the laptop and it is not causing this to happen. I also have tried all the fixes I could find in this forum and other places online. I am at a loss to understand why this has happened. I am running avast free on this desktop and my dell laptop. No problems at all. This HP laptop is old and I am getting it ready to store. It just bugs me because I hate mysteries like this!

I just spent about an hour replacing the CPU that came with the replacement motherboard with the old one. I then uninstalled the other AV and reinstalled Avast free. It still is using anywhere from 70% to 100% of the CPU. This is version 21.3.2459 (build 21.3.6164.652) UI version 1.0.609.

Hi, if you’re willing to help, see:

I hope this is not premature, but I think changing out that CPU fixed my issue. About 20 minutes after I made that last comment the HP rebooted and now is running around 1 to 2 % and the memory usage is closer to 20% it was 45%. I am still letting the laptop sit with no workload and see if this was the fix. So far so good! I will post again in about 2 hours with my final results!

Ok, thanks for the feedback, so far.

I guess we can call this problem fixed! However, I can’t see what it was about that CPU I removed that caused Avast to run wild like that! The only thing I can think of is this is an AMD processor that has integrated Graphics. I guess something was not right.