Free Avast will not install due to not being able to connect to internet

Free Avast will not install due to not being able to connect to internet.
The problem is I just down loaded the installer. This the second time I have had this problem.

I had a problem with my original avast would not refresh the anti-virus date base. So I uninstalled it and then attempted to install it . The first time it gave me the same problem able to connect to internet .

Some how I did get installed but my anti-virus date base when out of date again and would not refresh.

So I am attempting to re-install it but it can not find the internet.

Any ideas as to what the problem. I have been using Avast for a very long time but this the first time with problems.

A little more information will help.

  • What was the last version of avast that worked?
  • What version of Win are you running? Win 7, 8, 10, 11?