Free Beta 4.8.1216

I currently have version 4.8.1201, as I have Windows 98 S.E do I just download the beta file and that is all I need to do?

Also I use Microsoft Outlook 2000, and I am concerned that by downloading the latest beta version that it will disable the Avast outlook plugin, I know you will probably say try it and see, but I would like to know if it’s better that I should wait till there is a fix.

I take it this beta supports 98?

The instructions are on the Pre Release notification topic, it explains it better than I can,

The pre-release will support all current OSes, there may however, be elements of any pre-release that won’t support old OSes and that is no different to the current situation. Personally I don’t know if you shouldn’t just wait as there are a few wrinkles (see topic above) that need ironed out.

Yeah, I thought it would be better to wait till I see the Outlook plugin problem sorted before I consider downloading the latest beta.

I imagine when I eventually download that beta link it will take me to a beta stream and automatically remove the 1201 and replace it with Beta 1216, does that sound correct?

The small beta program upgrade the program from 1201 to 1216. It does not remove (uninstall), but rather upgrade.
When the final version comes gold, it is automatically upgraded from beta to official release.

Hi Tech,

Do you know how long it may take to get the MS Outlook problem sorted? as I use Microsoft Outlook 2000, and my current plugin works fine with version 4.8.1201, as everytime I open outlook I see the plugin message then I get the normal outlook screen, then it opens, I would imagine that if I installed the current beta then the plugin would not show on Outlook startup, and I do not want that to happen.

Of course Outlook 2000 may work ok with the latest Beta, I don’t know whether I should give it a try or not, as the problem may be related to outlook 2007 only, and the only way to know for sure is to try it, of course it may be related to the operating system, and as I use windows 98 it may work with that.

Have there been any users of less that outlook 2007 that have reported a plugin problem with the latest Beta? and or any users of windows 98 S.E that have said they have experienced no problems with the outlook plugin?, just thought to ask.

I think I may hold off for a little while and see how the outlook plugin problem gets on.

As I have the program update auto box ticked it wont matter for that as the latest release is beta, and that only recognises official releases, am I right on that also?

Remember we are just avast users like yourself so we don’t know how long it will take Alwil to resolve it, but you can be sure they will be giving it their best effort.

If there is any element of doubt you ‘shouldn’t’ install a beta/pre-release version on a non test system, unless you are aware that there could be consequences, you shouldn’t jump on just because it is there, you need to have a good back-up and recovery strategy before you even consider it.

Isn’t it already sorted?

The splash screen is there on the beta as the same as in the official release.

Not yet… the beta is too fresh… it’s from yesterday :wink:

But if your Outlook and avast are working together, you could let the things like they are, without joining the beta.

There has been no build update from 4.8.1216 so the problem with MS Outlook that was introduced (whilst trying to resolve one in Outpost 2007) with that beta would be still there. Even though this has only been reported with Outlook 2007 and there shouldn’t be an issue with different versions we don’t know that for sure.

So for me on a non-test system people should wait for the regular release.

Yeah, but the trouble with that is for users of 98 like myself, if we don’t test it and a problem with 98 lingers then it will continue along with the regular release when it becomes available, then surely it will be too late.

Obviously systems such as XP and Vista are different in that they are in the majority of testers so any problems will be picked up more easier.

If you are confident in being able to resolve any issues and have a back-up and recovery strategy that will get you out of trouble, then by all means try it. But you have to be aware of the potential for problems with beta software, although avast’s tend to be relatively problem free (certain;y not major system crashing ones).

I understand exactly what you mean, and you will remember the problems I had the last time, I think you are right in saying that I should wait till the official release, and fingers crossed there will be no problems solely for windows 98.

I have 2 options…

  1. Install and face any problems, till the official release is available.
  2. Wait until the official release, when hopefully all the problems will have been fixed.

Yes I remember which is why I urged caution.