free PCTFW

Like the new look to site .Again looking for advice from those more computer wise than myself .Just read the articles re.PCTFW . I have been using PCTFW plus for quite a while , does this mean it will be useless now and have to be replaced by some other product ? Thank you .

You need to be an Honorary Member of Malwarebytes forum to to read

Effective today PC tools free firewall has been retired and will no longer be available stand alone. Very very sad news

IE8 is much better than IE7:

[b]Stay Safer Online[/b] The Internet has enhanced our lives in nearly every way. However, as more of the things we do every day depend on the Internet, online crime has risen in turn.

Cybercriminals are using increasingly sophisticated and deceptive methods such as:

Malware - software that a cybercriminal can use to steal your bank account information, track everything you type, send out malicious software or spam, or harm your computer.

Phishing - an attack where a cybercriminal pretends to be a legitimate organization, such as your bank, in order to deceive you into giving up personal information such as credit card numbers and account information.

Thanks for reply , tried IE8 but preffered IE7 .Read articles on PCTFW and still not the wiser . My PCTFW plus seems to be working ok just now but still dont know if it needs replaced ,if as stated , it has been discontinued .

Still on web sight to download. There is a new beta 7.0 also.


I’d get rid of it after what happened to me on one of my machines: - see Posts # 26, 28, 30. If it wasn’t for me having another security software, my bank account would have been lost to a hacker that got through the FW. I have since changed my FW to Online Armor on all my machines and they work like a charm with Avast and it is a much better FW IMO, and with no conflicts with Avast.

Thanks for all help given . If I decide to change PCTFW , is it just a case of uninstalling through the Control Panel -Programs and Features - Remove ? Is Online Armor FREE a good program to replace this with or better to leave sleeping dogs lie while everything is working o.k.?

When I took it out via Add-Remove (replaced it with Outpost free version, see other thread), JV16 PT found that left behind a couple of broken shortcut-links in the start menu but it otherwise uninstalled quite cleanly.

You need to remove PCT FW in Safe Mode. Then check for remnants, which there will be many in Safe Mode as well. To do this: Start > Search > All Files and Folders > Advance Options (check off everything except case sensitive) > type in the top box a variety of things like:

  • PCT
  • PC Tools
  • unins000.exe — but many other things will come up and you need to right click on Properties to see if it pertains to PC Tools
  • unins000.dat — but many other things will come up and you need to right click on Properties to see if it pertains to PC Tools
  • Reboot (if using XP, reboot twice)

Online Armor has a Free and Premium FW. The OA ++ has an AV, so do not get this as it will conflict with Avast. I would recommend that you trial the software first to see if you like it and that it plays well with your other software. I use the OA Premium, which offers more protection. But you can certainly layer your security software to give you adequate protection as well. I just think a FW is an important line of defense, esp. after what happened to me. :o OA does install/uninstall cleanly.

Thank to all for advice and help , now changed to Online Armor Free.

PCTools Firewall Plus Free v7.0.0.102 (release candidate)

What’s New?

• Improved self protection;
• Enhanced application filtering performance;
• Improved support for multi-network environments;
• Added Enhanced Security Filtering scale;
• Streamlined Advanced application control settings;
• Improved & sleeker GUI;
• Bug fixes