I've tried too many times to get the website to resend, or create, a new registry key; is Avast no longer giving out keys?
I've tried too many times to get the website to resend, or create, a new registry key; is Avast no longer giving out keys?
What avast version are you using 4.8 or 5.0 ?
Avast are still giving out registration keys and the most common cause of non-receipt is ISP anti-spam applications/filters. You could try using a different email address, such as a free email account yahoo, gmail, etc.
If you are using avast5 then there is no requirement as you can re-register directly from the avastUI (User Interface), Maintenance, Registration; however, you can’t do this early it has to be done after avast notifies you of the need to register (14 days before expiry).
I’ve tried hundreds of times now on the web and the GUI, none of it works now at all.
Please answer the question asked of you in a prior post. Thank you.
I have the same problem. I asked for a new license key (the last one expired on August 1st) and I have received no answer through e-mail. I have thoroughly searched the spam folder and it’s not there. Simply no new license key has been sent. My version of avast is 4.8
Try a change of email address (different domain name) like a free yahoo or gmail account as many ISP use anti-spam software and don’t tell their members and just delete and not place in any spam folder, etc.
I don’t know where you have been trying to get your key, but this is where it should be, - Complete the avast! free antivirus Registration.
Is there any reason why you haven’t installed avast5 which has been out for 7 months now ?
The only reason I can see is if you have win9.x or winME as they aren’t supported OSes.
Thanks for the answer. Following this site’s instructions, I have discovered that my updates expiration date is November 1st, even though I received warnings about the expiration of my license in the last two days of July. I also remember having entered the license key 1 year ago, but I can’t tell for sure. In other words, I will wait until the end of October before trying to get a new license key through e-mail o perhaps upgrading to version 5. If the problem persists then, i will tell you. Thanks for everything
The reason you are getting this is that avast4.8 support ends at the end of this year and avast are trying to get all users that can update to avast5 (after all it has been seven months since release) progressively so there isn’t a big surge when they switch the lights of for avast 4.8.
I really can’t understand why you would want to wait to update to avast5.